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Crit? :D [Anime Guy. xD]

edited April 2009 in Artist Alley
Okay, so, yesh. I have been drawing anime. For a long time. xD<br><br>But, I just want some crit on this fan art. [:<br>I -think- this is a scene... maybe.. o_o; I think it's from the 1st or 2nd volume.. anyways it's the baa baa black sheep scene. xD<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>It's Earl Cain Hargreaves [little boy form] from the manga, Godchild.<br><br>And yesh he is holding a sheep!<br>People told me it looked like a mutant goat/dog. D:<br>But, I can't draw sheep. T_T<br><br>Anyways.. crit/comments appreciated.. no stealing. ;P<br>And.. YES I REFFED IT FROM A MANGA SCENE. [at least.. i'm pretty sure i did... I drew this a long time ago people.. xD]<br><br>BUT.<br>I need critique.<br>And yesh the lines are.... what do you call it... faded? Well, my scanner did that. It was being a butt! D:< [And it's a new scanner too! o:]


  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">My friend Ash has been drawing Anime forever and one thing she always tells<br>me is get the eyes straight..! lol XD In my opinion, I think the eyes are too far apart. Thats one thing you could work on. :wink: <br>Nice drawing. You do have talent. lol :D </span></span>
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">My friend Ash has been drawing Anime forever and one thing she always tells<br>me is get the eyes straight..! lol XD In my opinion, I think the eyes are too far apart. Thats one thing you could work on. :wink: <br>Nice drawing. You do have talent. lol :D </span></span>
    <br><br><span style="font-size:92">Thanks for the crit. ;D<br>I'll take that to heart!<br>I just get really annoyed by the eyes. xD<br><br>Thank you. o:</span>
  • :O<br><br>Bluey, I knew you could draw awesomely but I had no idea you could draw <span style="font-style:italic">that</span> awesomely :D He's lovely ^_____^ And the sheep does look like a sheep, more so than mine do anway :3
  • I think it's fantastic :] the only thing I would say to work on, is hands. But then again, I'm rubbish at them myself, so, not sure if my judgement is any good hehehe

    (email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
  • The two bigest problems I can see are that the eyes are way to far apart keep in mind that there is the same amount of space inbewteen the eyes as one eye no more no less. Also there is too much forhead the eyes are dead center in the head so the distance from chin to eye is the same as top of the skull to eyes. Even if he has spiky hair to much forhead. p
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
  • Mossflower wrote:
    :O<br><br>Bluey, I knew you could draw awesomely but I had no idea you could draw <span style="font-style:italic">that</span> awesomely :D He's lovely ^_____^ And the sheep does look like a sheep, more so than mine do anway :3
    <br><br>o: Thank you Mossy! <3<br><br>My friend told me it looked like half llama... and goat. XD<br>Heehee. Thanks <33
  • rohesia wrote:
    I think it's fantastic :] the only thing I would say to work on, is hands. But then again, I'm rubbish at them myself, so, not sure if my judgement is any good hehehe
    <br><br>Thank you! ^_^<br>Eh. I just hate hands. I try not to draw them. XD
  • Evlon wrote:
    The two bigest problems I can see are that the eyes are way to far apart keep in mind that there is the same amount of space inbewteen the eyes as one eye no more no less. Also there is too much forhead the eyes are dead center in the head so the distance from chin to eye is the same as top of the skull to eyes. Even if he has spiky hair to much forhead. p
    <br><br>Okiee. ^_^<br>Thanks for the constructive crit!<br>I'll try to keep that in mind! :D<br>Hm. I need to work on my eyes don't I? xD
  • <span style="font-size:75">That is amazing, Bluey!<br><br>I have -never- understood what the heck Anime and all those characters/drawings were... xD<br><br>So, I don't normally take interest in this kinda stuff :/ <br><br>BUUUUUUT, THAT IS SO COOL! <3</span>
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">o: I looooooove the hair.<br>It's so awesome!<33<br>And so is everything else of course. XD<br>Much better than I could do. :D<br>oh! and the clothes, are amazing! I can never get all the<br>folds and stuff right, but you did such a good job. <3</span></span>
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
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