I don't usually vent much and *shrugs* I am not angry..just more tired. Anywho..<br><br>1. This is more of confusion. It's not really our job on here to release/retire dogs. Everyone makes a big deal out of kennels with a ton of inbred dogs or mutts. Ok, its a game. We can all play how we want (within the rules). If they want to overbreed and waste their limited breedings on mutts, let them. If they get a thrill from it, all the better. Least it's not a total waste. Now I hate retiring and releasing dogs (especially ones that you have to age first). So I don't retire/release. I refuse to waste my time on something like that. Yeah fine I'll do it once in awhile when I have nothing better to do. I just don't get why people make it their mission to fix vp like that. You really don't have to. If you want, go on ahead play how you want. Doesn't matter to me. I just have confusion. I don't see vp slowing down by releasing dogs. Normally I see it faster with less people on. I don't know *shrugs*. It's nice that people want to help the game and all. I think its more effective to teach others and help them out instead of wanting to chastise them. I was one of those inbreeders and I had a blaste. Maybe more fun than I have now. <br><br>2. School is almost over and its the last stretch. Maybe a little less than two months. I am starting to burnnout from it. I am tired of the same schedule for school. Day after day. I get up early just to go and get worksheets. <br><br>I am frustrated in art because I am not as good as everyone else and they are all freshmen and I'm a year older than them. Yeah..I haven't been in art since 6th grade and they most likely had it in 7th and/or 8th grade. I don't think art is my thing. <br><br>Then English is a college class and its full of idiots. We had a 3page story and they got confused with the characters. It was a simple reading and they try to cheat on quizzes and copy off others. Some don't understand the simplest vocabulary words. It's ridiculous. For those that don't know..at my school its regular English, college English then honors English for the levels.<br><br>History is just blah. My teacher is pretty funny and swears everyday. It's just getting old. We get a letter that our parents have to sign week. We write paragraphs and junk. Usual things. I am just sick of it. xD<br><br>Every Tuesday and Thursday we have to listen to a teacher in studyhall. It's like a class. They talk about things like stress, emotions, stereotypes, how to study, ect. The class is lame and practically everyone hates it. Study hall is when most of us do homework. We aren't allowed to do it during the class. Everyone says it defeats some of the purpose. We study then and they are taking it away with telling us how to study. <br><br><br>Spanish..ick. Our seats were moved and I am in the front. Practically right in the middle. And at the beginning of the year he would constantly annoy me. My spanish name is Susanna. What he would do is be talking and then randomly put my name in the sentence as if to get my attention. I would already have been paying attention. He's one of those people you just dont like for the lamest reasons but can't help it. <br><br>Health class is repetitve. We read a section and do a worksheet. Actually we just finished CPR. We had to watch how to do different things everyday and then get graded by performing the methods on a dummy. THAT got old. The only good thing was we could talk while we waited for our turn. So class seemed like only 5min worth of work. Just the same thing was boring.<br><br>Biology stinks. I failed 3 of the 4 quarters so far and will fail this quarter, thus failing the class. It's an honors class, I am not stupid I just didnt do the work. We had a research project at the beginning of the year and I didn't like my topic and my teacher didn't let me change so I didn't do it. I had to experiment on people. I am not social. I wanted a plant experiment. Anywho, no one likes him that I know of. He makes lame jokes and when he does, he tilts his head and smiles while he nods. He also, as what the students say here, "creeps" on the girls. I didn't notice but I guess others did..IDK. And people would ask questions and he would say "you tell me". Well obviously if we knew we wouldnt have to ask. <br><br>Then math is notes everyday and we have annoying kids there. They skip class and there are a lot of death threats. Yada yada. I only have like one friend in there and whenever we get new seats we are always across the room from each other. Notes everyday is just a total flop. I zone out. >.<<br><br>3. I don't have a 'thing'. Something that I am good at. Some people are awesome at sports and soccer would be their life etc. Others have art and they love that and are totally into it. I have nothing. I have tried so many things but haven't found one thing that I can get into. I tried softball, soccer, gymnastics, guitar, art, and some others that I can't think of at the moment. <br><br>4. Parking at the damn school. Parking passes cost $50 for the year. Thing is though, Seniors and Juniors get the first pick at them. They like to give it to the older students since they've been there longer or something. So I can't park at my school. I parked in unmarked sections but after getting away with it for a few months I was caught two times recently. If I get caught a third time I get something attached to my wheel so I can't move my car. I would have to go to security to get it off. So now I have to wake up earlier to take the bus or park at the public pool. From the pool is a 10min walk to the school. I find it lame how I can't park at my own school that I attend. There should be the teacher parking, the parking that requires passes, and then spaces that are farther away that anyone can park at. First come first serve sort of thing. More students would be on time so they could get the open free spots. Those would be close to the public pool but not quite. It's better than having to cross the street which you would have to do if you parked at the pool. People speed on that road and its hard to cross sometimes. Someone once was speeding in a minivan trying to show off. Yeah..you can't show off in a damn minivan. Maybe a sports car or motocycle but not a van. :roll: xD<br><br>I don't care if anyone read this. Just sorta zombie like. Today I had an aptitude test I signed up for and missed 3 of my classes. Having that change in the day really made it more exciting and the day pass by faster.

"Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!