I let my dog Keilah outside last night for a pee, and then just as she was coming back to the door my cat zipped out, and Keilah chased her for like 3 seconds and then I heard a YELP! <br>I turned on the light to see what just happened and she was standing there. I'm like, "Keilah, come." She was limping.
So she limped up the 2 stairs and I took her leg and moved it gently at the shoulder, then at the carpal, then the feet, and everything seemed ok, but obviously it wasn't. So I gave her a bone and prayed everything would be ok in the morning.<br><br>In the morning she was lying down and I tried to make her get up but she couldn't, so I slipped my hand under her and tried to help her but she squealed (she no likey being picked up).<br><br>So she's like, limping majorly but we don't really have the finances to go to the vet.
So ugh this is dumb. And she's not a small dog either, she's a Dane/Lab cross about 90 lbs.
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t