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Dogs 10 Commandments

edited April 2009 in General Discussion
I recently recieved this in an e-mail from a friend and it made such an<br><br>impression on me that i felt that needed to share it with others.<br><br>I hope you like it too.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Remember that they can't do a lot of things for themselves and that they depend on you to make their life a quality life!<br>A PET'S TEN COMMANDMENTS.........<br><br>1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you is likely to be painful.<br><br>2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.<br><br>3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being.<br><br>4. Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainment, but I have only you.<br><br>5. Talk to me. Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me.<br><br>6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it.<br><br>7. Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember that I could hurt you, and yet, I choose not to bite you.<br><br>8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food, I have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old or weak.<br><br>9. Please take care of me when I grow old. You too, will grow old.<br><br>10. On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me please. Never say you can't bear to watch. Don't make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there, because I love you so.<br><br>~Take a moment today to say thanks for your pets. Enjoy and take good care of them.<br>Life would be a much duller, less joyful experience without them.<br><br>~Now please pass this on to other pet owners. We do not have to wait for a miracle to be surrounded by hope, love, and joyfulness. It is here on earth and has four legs!
Click the link: 8EC4.gif


  • <span style="font-size:92">It's so sweet <3<br>I could never imagine having only <span style="font-style:italic">one</span> person or thing that mattered so much. And for a dog (even though they are mostly classified as simple minded), it's probably how they see it sometimes.<br><br>It's reminders like these that make us love our babies even more (:</span>
  • I loved this the moment i read it. though you guys would like it aswell. :) glad you did.
    Click the link: 8EC4.gif
  • I've gotten that email before xD
  • Im sure its gotten around a few hundred time :lol:
    Click the link: 8EC4.gif
  • Aw, it's too true!<br><br>Every one of them, great! :)
    ((: ... anqel'
  • <span style="font-size:92">Aww. I love it. It's so sweet. <3</span>
  • I love it. X3
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • aww<br><br>and here are another 10 commandments<br><br>Ten Commandments of Dog Care<br><br>1. Always leave fresh water. I need it to stay healthy.<br>2. Don't feed me alot of table scraps-they could make me sick<br>3. Never give me chicken bones, they could splinter in my throat<br>4. If you think somethings wrong with me, dont wait a few hours. Take me to the vets. It could save my life<br>5. Im a living, breathing creature-dont buy me with the idea that i'll match the furniture or something idiotic like that<br>6. Don't yell at me unless you catch me in the act. Otherwise, I won't understand what your yelling about<br>7. Don't yell at me if I chase your pet rats/mice/ect. Im just following my insticts.<br>8. Be careful to check ingrediants in the dog food you buy. The cheap kinds sometimes dont have what I need to stay healthy<br>9. Im not a cat. I don't drink milk. Infact, it makes me sick<br>10. Love me. Im mans best friend, and <span style="font-style:italic">your</span> my best friend. Surely I can ask for a little love.<br><br>-random- I need to get a hobbie xD
  • <span style="font-size:92">aww this is just adorable.<br>when i was done reading it i was like "aww, dogs. come here" and they like...pummeled me to the floor.<br>:D<br>tee hee. i love them. ♥<br>i should post some pictures soon...</span>
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">aww, that's adorable. <3</span></span>
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • Aww like that one too..<br><br>Eppp =/ my bad<br><br>Guilty: <br>2. Don't feed me alot of table scraps-they could make me sick..( i do that at dinner time without fault... )<br><br>9. Im not a cat. I don't drink milk. Infact, it makes me sick (He got the fridge open and punctured the container... drank almost the whole thing... he didnt seem sick. )
    Click the link: 8EC4.gif
  • hmm. Thats odd. When I accidently spilled a bit of milk on the floor my dogs drank it and they were all sick. -ponders-
  • It's cute but I hate things that make animals have emotions, because they don't have emotions. They don't know what death is. If they have a doggy-friend who dies, they only know the absence of their friend but they don't know that death is "scary" or something to be afraid of. In the words of a comedian (don't remember his name), if you put a gun in a dog's face he doesn't get scared, he licks it.<br><br>I really doubt that dogs love each other. They have built-in instincts to follow the leader, which in this case is their human owner. If their human owner doesn't understand them and treats them like THEIR owner, that's how they're going to act. <br><br>I'm not saying leaving a dog alone 24/7 is okay, because why would you have a dog then if that's all you're going to do? What I am saying is that dogs are dogs - they are not people. When you hear about dogs dying everyone goes, "Awwwww. :( " and then when you hear about mass amounts of people dying, everyone goes, "Omg that sucks," and then goes on eating their dinner like nothing happened. <br><br>Like the Fila Brasileiro, the Bully Kutta - they are dogs just like everyother breed, but are more dominant in nature and have been known to "prey" on their owners. Why? Because they don't LOVE, they just have instincts, and obviously their owners don't know how to dominate them, so the dogs take over that role.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • oh reina. while a dog's mind isn't as complex as a human's, they absolutely have emotions. some dogs suffer from seperation anxiety every time their owner leaves. i watch my dogs emote every minute of everyday. they are happy to see me, and yeah i'm the pack leader, but they are also happy to see my daughter, who in their eyes is at the bottom of our 'pack'. they are happy to see my friends, my boyfriend, my roommate, and weary of people they don't know. i also watch them communicate with each other, via looks, or sounds.<br>hell, a dog being sad b/c their owner is dead IS an emotion, even if they don't understand the concept of death. <br>elephants actually do mourn their dead ones, and understand the concept of death. but they can't build weapons of mass destruction, or write a book. some can paint though-they've learned it with the help of humans. <br>it's true no other animal/plant will ever be able to envision 1/millionth of the things humans are able to, but that doesn't make them less important. try living on this earth without plants. besides, at least 95% of harm brought onto humans is self inflicted and malicious. having a complex mind is not only what makes us 'superior', it's also our major downfall. i'm going to shut myself up before i write a book though.
    It's just life. You'll get over it.
  • Well maybe I am wrong about those types of emotions, but imo they feed off people's emotions. When you are sad, they can sense it, when you are happy, they are happy too. They don't create the emotion, they just sense and feed off like I said. I do not believe they "love" each other though.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • reina__ wrote:
    Well maybe I am wrong about those types of emotions, but imo they feed off people's emotions. When you are sad, they can sense it, when you are happy, they are happy too. They don't create the emotion, they just sense and feed off like I said. I do not believe they "love" each other though.
    <br><br><br>That i dont really believe, Sorry. I have an aunt that had a dog. somerone broke into her house and He protevted Her. if that isnt Love i dont know what is.. he didnt need to He could have hid. But he came to her aid.
    Click the link: 8EC4.gif
  • Some dogs are natural protectors with good nerves.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
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