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edited April 2009 in Vent
So it seems like everything I do, someone else has to do. <br>And the things I wear, don't look good anymore because 20 minutes later my friend runs in to change into exactly what I wear, or very close to it.<br><br>I put songs on my phone, bassline to be exact, which come in volumes. <br>All are mine, actually my brothers, which I am allowed to copy, etc. <br>For those who want to get specific, I mean DJ EJ, which is currently up to volume 31, right?<br><br>So there all on my computer, and I let my friend get some songs off it, because she can't get any outside of me. <br><br>Time goes on, and we go outside, on the streets and to parks etc. and we're playing music on our phones. People come up to us to hear it and say things like 'oh thts cool send me some' and they're asking where she and I got it from, and I say my brother. She says her computer. <br><br>I just looked at her and laughed, and then told people if it wasn't for me she wouldn't have them.<br><br>She gets me so mad sometimes. :x :x <br><br>I also curled my hair and 15 minutes later, another friend was round her house curling hers.<br><br>Great, people copy me and want to look like me, act like me, whatever. All I want is to be different, or at least get the credit for 'starting something'. <br>I need to calm down, but dunno how..<br><br><br>Whoever read it all, thanks :?
((: ... anqel'


  • Honestly, youll never be the very first to think or do something, and you wont be the last. Take pride in the fact people want to be like you. Instead of lashing out. :D

  • I understand how this gets annoying. It happens to me too. Like one minute I dye my hair, the next day my friends off dying hers. x]<br><br>It's hard, but as Lolo said, you won't be the first to do something and won't be the I'm kinda used to it. ;] It'll be fine.
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • ahah.. never looked it in that light ;)<br><br>thanks guys ;)
    ((: ... anqel'
  • i know how you feel , and i also agree you should be proud of them wanting to be like you. I bought these knee-high black converse boots, just so that i could stand out you know. my friends told me they were scared of me and that they were weird and ugly, but then when i talked to one of my friends a month later she's like "hey, do you think they have those in pink? i love them!" and i'm like "WHAT!? you told me they were ugly and weird last month!!!" then we got in a fight because she supposedly "never" said that. another example (same friend) is when i wore suspenders for like a few weeks and then decided to stopped because i didn't feel like wearing them any more. she comes is 3 months later and is like i'm wearing suspenders, i'm going to start a new fashion craze! we thought fought again about how i "never" wore suspenders. i finally cooled myself down by saying "whatever she just loves me so much that she wants to be like me!"
  • Aahahah in Grade 9 I sang at a talent show this punky-type song by Relient K, and wore a black trucker hat. EVERYBODY in the school after that started wearing trucker hats, no joke. *sigh* I was like, HEY! (At least I knew deep inside that I set that trend in my school.) :wink:
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • hahaha. in middle school i cared. Go out.. buy a shirt.. and then see someone else in it!??!! not the exact confidence boost i was looking for when i thought how cute my new T was. ^.^<br><br>but ya know what... those people ARN'T you! If you look great in an outfit.<br><br>dont trip! YOU look awesome. chances are .. they dont.<br><br><br>^.^
  • Lol it just kinda gets me mad sometimes, grr.<br><br>I know, I made the effort, thought about it, and all they do is copy which takes no thought at all.
    ((: ... anqel'
  • <span style="color:blue"><span style="font-size:75">lol My Angel will always be original to meh :wink: </span></span>
  • I know what you mean, Angel. D:<br><br>But I just said screw it all, and ignore it.<br><br>It's just drama crap everyone likes to start apparently.<br><br>I countinue to wear the cloths even if someone else is wearing.<br><br>There's always going to be someone in the world that has the same style or clothing.<br><br>I dyed my hair pink last year and then this year everyone else started dying thier hair pink. >.><br><br>But I countinue to keep it, it's nice to know people want to be like me. :lol: <br>And eventually, they will get tired of doing what you do. :wink:
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