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One Whopping Serving of Originalitty Please!

edited April 2009 in Vent
To me, it just gets my goat, seriously, why why why can't people try alittle originallity of their own? I heard one of my friends say "Rawr, that means i love you in dinosuar" and I'm just staring like =.=; because it's not cute anymore because it's not original. I think infact most people have forgotten how to spell roar, R-O-A-R. Also, one of my friends calls herself "Fred" but the "r" is backwords, if you have seen a certian video show then you know that she's not being original. I'm just like "hehe fred...cute.... x_x" Seriously please can we get alittle originallity in the group please? Thank goodness I don't see mutch of this on VP, but I just wanted to say something about this odious subject. <br><br><br>Can I get someone's take on this?
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  • I know exactly how you feel.<br><br>Sometimes, I make myself lack originality, becuase, well... a certain few people in my life (*cough cough* my sister *cough cough*) think being original is lame. <br><br>Psst, I'm myself, I'm never gonna be any other way, so... ya. And I don't do the bandwagon thing, usually. Sometimes it happens subconciously. <br><br>I have yet to buy myself:<br>-crocs<br>-uggs<br>-skinny jeans<br>-etc.<br><br>And I don't care. My little sister thinks I'm stupid, but hey. I've saved hundered of dollars.<br><br>Heh, got a little off topic.<br><br>[/hijack]
  • Haha xD Exactly, originallity is something people are really lacking these days. :D I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. xD I would feel alone. xP<br><br><br>*tumbleweed*
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  • Haha xD Exactly, originallity is something people are really lacking these days. :D I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. xD I would feel alone. xP<br><br><br>*tumbleweed*
    <br><br>Yuppers.<br><br>Originality is one reason why I'm doing so well in English and French on my short stories. And my band composition... *sigh* <br><br>A 99 for 20 bars of a song I composed in 10 mins for a Tenor Sax, trumpet, tuba, and flute. Pure genius. XD (I picked my instrument, and then the others were drawn from a hat)
  • I had to do a survey on this in school today o.o<br><br>I only had one comment, that read, <br><br>''We are not Barbie Dolls. We do not live to be dressed and or controled by anyone else. We are created to be original. Society doesnt like it because they dont know what to do with originals. So we are shunned, made fun of, harrased, etc. Maybe if they knew how to be original we wouldnt have this problem...''
  • psst, "Originalitty" is spelt wrong. (Only one "T")
  • <span style="font-size:92">I've never liked the "Rawr means I love you in dinosaur" thing. It always bugged me. I say rawr a lot. Not because it apparently means I love you, but because I love the word. xD And it annoys me because once I texted Rawr to a guy, and he asked one of my friends if I liked him. -_- I was like, "Um, no. >.>" It doesn't even mean that, no one knows the language. In fact, how would they even find out dinosaur language?<br><br>Yeah. Me and Liz were like the first people to start wearing colored skinny jeans in our grade. Then BOOM this school year everyone has them. Also, as soon as Liz got some Converse, I noticed A LOT of people had them. Weird, huh? Now I have Converse, too, and I got them after Liz, but I've always loved Converse. :/ No one knows how to be original. I know some people actually liked the styles and stuff before everyone else, but still. A lot of them didn't. </span>
  • SandyPaws wrote:
    <span style="font-size:92">I've never liked the "Rawr means I love you in dinosaur" thing. It always bugged me. I say rawr a lot. Not because it apparently means I love you, but because I love the word. xD And it annoys me because once I texted Rawr to a guy, and he asked one of my friends if I liked him. -_- I was like, "Um, no. >.>" It doesn't even mean that, no one knows the language. In fact, how would they even find out dinosaur language?<br><br>Yeah. Me and Liz were like the first people to start wearing colored skinny jeans in our grade. Then BOOM this school year everyone has them. Also, as soon as Liz got some Converse, I noticed A LOT of people had them. Weird, huh? Now I have Converse, too, and I got them after Liz, but I've always loved Converse. :/ No one knows how to be original. I know some people actually liked the styles and stuff before everyone else, but still. A lot of them didn't. </span>
    <br><br>I don't think people realize that it's not really cool to copy people. It just makes you look like you don't have a style of your own. And Exactly, who would ever find out a freakin dinosuar languge!?! Dinosuars really don't love anything either. They just eat alot. I just want people to keep their mouth shut. I'm to polite to say "you got that off the internet you nerd." xD<br><br>
    Sybhat3 wrote:
    I had to do a survey on this in school today o.o <br><br>I only had one comment, that read, <br><br>''We are not Barbie Dolls. We do not live to be dressed and or controled by anyone else. We are created to be original. Society doesnt like it because they dont know what to do with originals. So we are shunned, made fun of, harrased, etc. Maybe if they knew how to be original we wouldnt have this problem...''
    <br><br>I really like that. :D It's really pathectic unoriginal people fear originallity or coming up with something on their own.
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  • Hey what about when people say, "That's hot," after PH or "oh emm gee." that is so annoying. I mean, if they're serious.. it's funny if you're just being kidding and stuff but not when you actually have oh emm gee as part of your vocabulary.<br><br>Yeah.. like there are a lot of clothes in style right now that I will never wear, like uggs and skinny jeans. Simply because I don't like them ... on me. I like nike dunks and skate shoes and band tees, not because they're popular.<br><br>I know what you mean. I've never heard the rawr thing but maybe I just don't hang out with people that think that lameness is cool. ahah (wait, that's not true)
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • *pokes*<br><br>Noone in my town dresses like me and im proud lol.<br><br>Every day i seem to get called a freak buuut. its all good.<br><br>Buffy proudly does not own<br>-Crocs<br>-Skinny jeans<br>-anything Hollister, Abrocrumbie or American Eagle. ((I cant even spell those words right lol))<br><br>Buffy wears Silver and blue contacts, boots, a neon hoodie, jeans, neon arm warmers when its a hundred degrees and sometimes my Vans. lol<br><br>Original lol
  • Heh isnt it great when your friends start copying you? -long sigh-<br><br>I mean, -points to post above- I obviously said that first. Now my friend is going around telling everyone that. Makes me want to beat her with a bat.<br><br>And it doesnt help shes been copying everything Ive done for the past 4 years, the music I listen too, the clothes I wear, hell, she even eats the same stuff as me >.<<br><br>And then our other friend is copying her >.> And guess which two are having a fight over who did what first? -Sits on the sidelines and wonders when they'll figure out neither one of them started anything-
  • <span style="font-size:92">Who calls themselves FRED?<br>FRED is a popular "video series". FRED?! Lol.<br><br>Me & my friends LOVE originality.<br><br>We make up our nicknames from experience and inside jokes ;p Liiiiike...<br><br>I am Spoonlicker. (Don't ask. Inside joke.)<br>One of my friends is Pancake Racist. (Experience xD)<br>Another is Subway Stalker. (total experience ;D)<br><br>I call that originality :D<br><br>Heh-heh.</span>
  • I love being original. In fact, I think I'm one of the few people that have checkered pants. They're lime green and black. They are skinny jeans too, but I took some over populated thing, and made then original. And I love them.<br><br>Sorry for my little hijack.
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  • I own checkered skinny jeans, too. But they're purple and black. xD
  • <span style="font-size:92">I love the word rawr! xD<br>And Snady, I ran into the same problem as you with a guy.<br>He was like "Do you like me? o_o;"<br>I was like<br>"no, stupid, I like you as a friend, got that?! Rawr does not mean I love you!"<br>Ergh.<br><br>o: I love my colored skinnys. I wore skinnys since...5th grade...and colored ones in 6th.. everyone made fun of me. XD<br>But, now that I think about it, <span style="font-style:italic">they're</span> the ones wearing the colored skinnys.. it makes me mad.. :roll:<br>I love Converse, too, but I always stick with my Vans. x]<br>But I've got Converse, too. ;]<br>I own checkered skinnys too.. but they're white and black, like a zebra's coat color. xD<br><br>Okay, a little off topic here. Sorry! [/hijack]<br><br>but seriously. My friend calls herself Fred too! I'm like sitting there saying "Your name is not's blah blah blah." And she goes "No its not, its Fred!" <br>I'm just like.. okay.. have it your way then. but can you be original at least?! D:<br>Okay. random thing. [/hijack]</span>
  • I wish people would get a little more origionality with with insults, too. I've been called Horse Gilr(if you want the story on that, PM me xD) since the second grade. Im in Eigth now. GET SOME BETTER INSULTS DAMMIT<br><br>ok mini-rant/otness done
  • I don't really have that problem because i'm in a french immersion class, so we've been together since pre school. We have our sayings ("Hey look over there it's grass and trees" for example) but when it's just me and my other friend, we quote each other's miswordings. For exaple the other day instead of saying 'take responcibility for your actions" she said "Take actions for your responcibility" so sometimes I tease her about that. <br><br>With the clothes, there is this set of twins in my class and everyone tells them to start wearing jeans. That's been going on for a couple years yet they still don't own an. i don't really care one way or another, if they want to wear track pants then good for them. I don't wear uggs or skinny jeans (I'm not build for skinny jeans but that's beside the point. i think they're really ugly) but I do wear regular jeans because they're the most recent pants i've bought and therefore they fit. But originality isn't an issue. I have the biggest musical prefrence in my class but I don't really care when other's bash my music (unless they're wrong, of course)
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