Shun all who dare say pokemon is for little kids! It is most certianly not! Pokemon are amazingly cute, cool, and entertaining! I myself love pokemon videogames! I take great pride in my teams because I work hard *cough* alittle gamesharking is always fun >D *cough* But Pokemon is truely fun and adoreable. I think it's just kind of dumb when someone says "Isn't that for little kids" then I have to come back with "it's pretty cute though hu?" and they ussally agree. :roll: But still, it's humorus, exciting, and actiony what more could you want? xD I love pokemon, even when I'm 87! I'll love'm.<br><br>Has anyone seen Domo? I love him to, he looks like a pokemon to me. ^^ *huggles Domo plush*
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