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Cloning Dogs

I personally think it's awesome. Read Below;<br><br>I read this out of a magazine;<br>This woman a while ago was saved by her ABPT mix from some other wild dogs. A few short years later the dog sadly passed away, and the owner wanted to stop it. The woman took a bit of scar tissue from her deceased dogs ear and took it to a lab in South America. She payed 300k in real money for the people to make a clone of her dog. It was a success and the woman had taken her new puppy home for the second time.<br><br>Could you imagine? That's something I would do if I had a lot of money. What do you guys think about the subject?


  • Her puppy will just look like the original. It will not remember her or anything else. The whole dog will be like a different thing.<br><br>Cloning is an iffy issue and I am not sure if it's allowed to be discussed. Not sure though *shrugs*
  • It might not be allowed to be discussed? I thought only Politics & Religion and general adult content weren't allowed.. I'll have to ask an Op about it later
  • IDK just seemed like a touchy topic that it might not. I really don't know.
  • There are millions of dogs dying in shelters every week and people will pay 300K to have a dog that will only LOOK like the old dog, not think or remember like it?<br><br>That's horrible. If that woman wanted to do something GOOD, she should have used that money to help provide care for shelter animals around the world, or people that are sick and hungry and dying and what not.<br><br>That makes me sick. Ugh.
  • I do agree but I do find it neat that the Earth has the technology today to do something like that..
  • Honestly, I would like to keep my dog the only of her kind. I wouldnt want to make another dog that looks like her, Id want to keep her unique in every way, because... you can't clone the love and bonding and personality that dog gave you.<br><br>I like to remember my dogs, not make another one just like it and hope it'll turn out the same. This cloned puppy more likely than not be what the owner was wanting (an exact match to the first) and all it's going to do is let the owner down, which in turn will be bad for the dog.<br><br>I dunno =/ Just doesnt seem right to me. Every dog is unique, cloning is not going to bring her dog back.
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • cloning is like half a step away from politics and religion, i'd agree w/tarnish on that lol.
    It's just life. You'll get over it.
  • yes now I see I'll close this topic so just pretend I've never posted this.
  • They're making it so soon you can become pregnant and birth YOURSELF. :shock:
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • reina__ wrote:
    They're making it so soon you can become pregnant and birth YOURSELF. :shock:
    <br><br>That'd be scary....
  • reina__ wrote:
    They're making it so soon you can become pregnant and birth YOURSELF. :shock:
    <br><br><br>....Bwahahahahahaahah!! xD I'm sorry, its not funny, just the way you said it xD
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  • reina__ wrote:
    They're making it so soon you can become pregnant and birth YOURSELF. :shock:
    <br><br><br>....Bwahahahahahaahah!! xD I'm sorry, its not funny, just the way you said it xD
    <br><br>lol I laughed hard when i read that too lolz
  • reina__ wrote:
    They're making it so soon you can become pregnant and birth YOURSELF. :shock:
    <br><br>Well, if you clone a couple, the kids will grow up and look like when the parents married each other. o.o<br><br>It'd be like falling in love with your partner, (or child), again. xD
    kimyo.jpeg 31275.png
  • Eh, on the topic of cloning, I don't really believe it's what they say it is. A clone is not a real being, it's a clone. And it certainly is <span style="font-style:italic">not</span> the original, as people hope it to be. I honestly don't see why scientists even try... my own opinion anyway ;p
  • Well the main point they to regenerate organs. So we won't need organ donors and since its a clone of the old one your body wont reject it. They could cure a lot of things. <br><br>Now making copies of whole mammals is just stupid in my opinion
  • That would be very cool if we could find cures through clones.... It reminds me of Multiplicity ( a comedy movie about cloning)
  • hmm. intersting... Im not sure if i like/dislike it... <br><br>But why would anyone waste 300K? why not just get the same breed of dog. from a breeder or better yet a shelter?<br><br>Idk. Some people...
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  • Well, they were cloning cattle and stuff because of something to do with nutrients or something... I cant remember exactly. For scientific purposes, I guess its alright since its helping with medicine and whatnot... but to clone your own pet when you can go get another one that needs a home... that's just foolish, in my opinion.
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • No one get mad at Buffy,<br>This is my opinion on cloning.<br><br>I believe that if you want to spend your money on cloning your dog, that is your choice. I've had my boy for 13 years now, and he's getting old and probably won't be around in another 4 or 5 years. Now if i had the option to clone him, i probably wouldn't take it, but I would seriously sit down with my family and talk about it. <br>Shelter pets are going to die, too many people are irresponsible breeders and do not know the meaning of spaying and neutering. It's just a hard fact to accept that you can't save them all. Sure you can adopt one, but when you do three more will come into the shelter. Until people stop being ignorant. (Which won't be anytime soon) shelter pets are going to be put down.<br>Back on the subject of cloning, if you have the money, and it gives you person comfort to have a recreation of your dog beside you, I dont see any reason why that should not be allowed, or up to you to choose.<br><br>I think people believe that a recreation of themselves or in this case, their dog, will be the same..<br><br>EX. I know this is a little far fetched, but look at when a person names their child _____ jr. Most people in politics and such expect their child to grow up doing their job. Like a legacy i guess you could say, Now if a human is expected to follow in their parents footsteps, why not a dog that is made of the same genetic material as its sire? <br><br>That is just my take on this.<br> :wink:
  • Nickel: I've seen that too! You can go to the grocery store and buy "Cloned Meat"...I swear lol.<br><br>Buffy: I do agree, Sitting down with your family and talking about it before and being competely(sp?) serious about it before doing it would be the way to go. I was dreaming of doing that to my dog (ofcourse I wouldn't..too much money lolz), but then I realized that if cloning "Brinngs back the Dead" wouldn't they like to Rest in Peace? I also am thinking of the alternative way of going to a Husky Rescue and adopting a husky loll.
  • I see your point Buffy, but, its still saving one life. By cloning, you're just creating more life =/ You save one dog, at least you're saving one. If everyone who wanted a dog did that, rather than cloning, or breeding, etc. imagine the results. You say one dog doesnt matter... thats the same as "My vote won't matter"<br><br><br>Would I clone a dog? No. Do I understand the emotions after losing a dog? Yes. I think I would wait a couple months before jumping into it. I mean, right after losing Tiffany, if someone offered that for free, I probably would have done it without thinking. Now though, after the loss has sunken in, I realize she was an amazing dog, and I wouldnt want another like her, because I want to remember her as being special and unique. She was an amazing dog, and I dont want her glory taken away by a dog that looks just like her. Maybe thats just my thinking on it.<br><br>I mean, it's their choice. I just think there would be better ways to go about getting another dog ^^ The scientific end of the whole thing is kind of cool.<br><br><br>And yeah! I've seen the cloned meat too xD lol. I dont know what's so special about it o.o
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • You're not really saving a life... I mean kind of but if a dog doesn't know anything other than sitting in a steel cage with 1 meal a day, momentary pleasures, he doesn't know anything more. Dogs don't get depressed because "I don't have a family" if they never had one in the first place. <br><br>Something I don't understand is how you can clone a person.. I mean, personalities, likes/dislikes, etc. Will the cloned version of you look exactly like you did at birth, childhood, at youth, and adulthood? Will they age the same? Same questions with the cloned dog. :?
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • But, it can be saving a life if the dog isnt in a no kill shelter ^.-<br><br>That, and there are the dogs who do know better. Lets say a family moves away, and their 8 year old dog has to be put in a shelter because they cant take him/her with them. They definitely know what life is like behind closed bars. And, sadly, those are the least likely to get adopted in most cases.<br><br><br><br>And, yeah... I wonder the same thing. Especially with people, because there's so many characteristics... I just dont see the clone matching up perfectly... or that'd be really weird o.o
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Scientists haven't cracked the code to human DNA yet to be able to clone humans because supposedly it's more complex. I think they said it would be illegal to get done anyway.... (Not sure Why but yah)
  • If i had the money i think i would clone my dog But that is only becuse we got him when he was about 3 years and i think that it would be cool to see what he looked like as a pup and then watch him grow. I also never want to get rid of him. <br> <br>*Selfish side*^^^^<br><br>i realy think that when one dog passes away yah it would be cool to go get another just like them but techinly they woulden't be becuse they would have the same experinces. (like the saying from narnia "nothing happens the same way twice"). if there is atleast 100,000 dog dyeing a day in the continale U.S then why have more pups be brought into the world? it is not right!
  • It definitely is amazing that humans have the technology to do this. I've always found it fascinating. <br><br>I saw an interesting program on cloning last year. Some scientists had cloned a horse for this woman who's other horse had died. When the cloned foal grew up it's personality was very similar to the other horse. At some other stage in the program they showed some cattle that had been cloned, and although their DNA was identical they had completely different personalities and slightly different markings too. <br><br>Clones <span style="font-style:italic">are</span> real beings. A clone is just an being that has the same genetic makeup as another being. Identical twins have the same genetic makeup as each other, so technically they'd be the same as clones. <br><br>I don't thing I'd want a clone of my pet though. I can understand why people would want to, and if they do want to, I don't have an issue with it. I do think it would be better for them to rescue an animal that was already alive, but I suppose for them it might be similar to people who want to have children. You could say 'instead of having your own child, why don't you adopt and give that child a change at a good life?' <br><br>Did that make sense? xD These are just my thoughts on the matter, and I hope no one's offended by them :3
  • Mossflower wrote:
    It definitely is amazing that humans have the technology to do this. I've always found it fascinating. <br><br>I saw an interesting program on cloning last year. Some scientists had cloned a horse for this woman who's other horse had died. When the cloned foal grew up it's personality was very similar to the other horse. At some other stage in the program they showed some cattle that had been cloned, and although their DNA was identical they had completely different personalities and slightly different markings too. <br><br>Clones <span style="font-style:italic">are</span> real beings. A clone is just an being that has the same genetic makeup as another being. Identical twins have the same genetic makeup as each other, so technically they'd be the same as clones. <br><br>I don't thing I'd want a clone of my pet though. I can understand why people would want to, and if they do want to, I don't have an issue with it. I do think it would be better for them to rescue an animal that was already alive, but I suppose for them it might be similar to people who want to have children. You could say 'instead of having your own child, why don't you adopt and give that child a change at a good life?' <br><br>Did that make sense? xD These are just my thoughts on the matter, and I hope no one's offended by them :3
    <br><br>It made a whole lot of sense =] And I agree 100%.<br>But I also think that cloning of peoples own pets would be just like breeding them except theyre getting just one pup, the offspring of the animal you want to clone would have half the DNA genetics anyway so why not all?... Because cloning doesn't mean youre getting the exact same personality etc cause they would most certainly be brought up differently to the first. Even if it would only be the fact that the person wished they had let their dog sleep in their bed the dog would have a different view of ranking etc and a different personality...
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