Would you accept 8mill, an unutered 3oak, 2 10x4 huskies, 10x4 pointer and papillion, 9x4 doberman and free trainings for the breeding kennel? All the dogs are fully trained.
Would you accept 8mill, an unutered 3oak, 2 10x4 huskies, 10x4 pointer and papillion, 9x4 doberman and free trainings for the breeding kennel? All the dogs are fully trained.
<span style="color:indigo">Gah! Not the breeding!!! -moans-<br>How will I go on! <br><br>Can you let me know once you have sold it so I dont send the dogs there still, and I have money there (will pm you) so Ill take that too.</span>
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested