<span style="font-weight:bold">THESE WILL BE THE ONLY ETHIOPIAN WOLVES AUCTIONED TO THE PUBLIC!</span> <br><br>[edit] I thought it over, and to make things go more quickly I took out the doubles, the person who bidded first on that color has the highest bid. [/edit]<br><br>The pups are already made, neutered and color locked. Yes they are all 9x4s. <br><br>SB for each dog is 5mil<br>BIN is 30mil <br>The Reserve is 10mil<br><br>1. <a href="http://www.virtualpups.com/index.php?r=dog/view&id=1420300" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Redish Brown w/ White Belly</a><br>albr08 - 6mil<br><br>2. <a href="http://www.virtualpups.com/index.php?r=dog/view&id=1420285" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Orange Red w/ Black Tail Tip</a><br>Tarnish - 5mil<br><br>6. <a href="http://www.virtualpups.com/index.php?r=dog/view&id=1420296" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Bright Orange w/ Black & White Markings</a><br>Nickel - 7mil<br><br>7. <a href="http://www.virtualpups.com/index.php?r=dog/view&id=1420297" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Albino</a><br>jadep21 10mil<br><br>8. <a href="http://www.virtualpups.com/index.php?r=dog/view&id=1420299" target="_blank" class="bb-url">Dark Red w/ White Markings</a><br>Horse - 10mil<br><br><br>
<br><br>Taking VPC <span style="font-weight:bold">only</span><br><br>I reserve all rights
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
If it gets closer to the end with some that have not met the reserve it will be posted before it ends. [and I'm not sure when this is ending right now either XD ]
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel