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Removing the bulletin board

This may be a really bad idea, but, meh, it makes sense to me :lol: <br><br>What if the bb was deleated entirly so that only the forum was used? I am suggesting this for a number of reasons:<br>-The bb is were most of the online dating 'ads' seem to take place<br>-the forum has specific sections for specific purposes (ie. dogs for stud, general disscusion)<br>-it would be easier for the ops to supervise just one set of player/community comunications instead of 2<br>-it might make the site faster as there would be less information bogging it down (I'm not sure on this one)<br><br><br>Some downsides might be:<br>-imature players butting into serious (ish) auctions, stud etc.<br>-it would take longer to filter through the good and bad studs and dogs for sale<br>-it might (might) increase or feul flame threads<br><br>These are what I can think of
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"


  • If you say no can you please post you're reasons?
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
  • It's admined regularly and most people use it for what it is meant for.<br>I know that when I see even posts that are just 'please message me I'm bored' and nothing about having dogs for sale or being new and wanting to connect to other players or anything useful at all I delete it. Because it's unfair for spam like that to bump off people's dog and services related posts. <br><br>Just because some people use it wrongly doesn't mean everyone should loose the right to use it.<br><br>So I say no.
  • I'm gonna say no on this one, too, because I think that both the BB and the forums serve different and useful purposes. The BB is a nice way to post a quick, short-term ad or annoucement - the forums are a better way to have extended discussions or post long-term information. I know that I personally use both the BB and the forums regularly, for different purposes.
  • I say no too. I don't want to use the forums to put something in like "Tracking events need entries" There would be no reason for a post like that to hang around in the forums, and could probably create confusion as the events would probably be run before many people would even read it.<br><br>Like Lynne_ Silver said the bulletin board is really a means of getting a quick message across with usually no replies needed while the forums invite discussion.<br><br>Gidget
    Speak your mind even if your voice shakes
  • Yeah, I also say no..Bulletin boards are easier because you can just click it and say something that just happened. I mean, there would be no point in deleting it..

    My other forum name is Snicks, so you might see me on that.

    Postal Rank: 45
  • I totaly agree with this:<br><br>
    -The bb is were most of the online dating 'ads' seem to take place<br>
    <br><br>however the bulletin board can be used by under 13's who arn't allowed to join the forum, so it's only fair to them that we keep the bb
  • I said no, only because the bulliten board is the easiest way to advertise breedings, trainings, and such. I think it takes too much time to post on the forum. But that's just me, I'm weird and love to look at all the new posts on the BB... lol
  • Very old post...
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