<span style="font-size:75">Help needed <br>> immediately!! <br>> <br>> Please help! After <br>> two long years of being on a waiting list for a dog, we have been notified by <br>> breed rescue that, at long last, our number has come up and ... WE ARE HAVING A <br>> PUPPY! <br>> <br>> We must get rid of our children IMMEDIATELY because we just know <br>> how time consuming our new little puppy is going to be and it just wouldn't be <br>> fair to the children. Since our little puppy will be arriving on Monday we MUST <br>> place the children up for adoption this weekend! <br>> <br>> They are described as: <br>> <br>> One male -- his name is Tommy, Caucasian (English/Irish mix), light blonde <br>> hair, blue eyes. Four years old. Excellent disposition, he doesn't bite. <br>> Temperament tested. <br>> Does have problems with peeing directly in the toilet, <br>> has had chicken Pox and is current on all shots. Tonsils have already been <br>> removed. <br>> Tommy eats everything, is very clean, house trained and gets along <br>> well with others. Does not run with scissors and with a little training he <br>> should be able to read soon. <br>> <br>> One female -- her name is Lexie, Caucasian <br>> (English/Irish mix), strawberry blonde hair, green eyes quite freckled. Two <br>> years old, can be surly at times, Non-biter, thumb sucker. Has been temperament <br>> tested but needs a little attitude adjustin g occasionally. She is current on <br>> all shots, tonsils out, and is very healthy and can be affectionate. Gets along <br>> well with other little girls and little boys but does not like to share her toys <br>> and therefore would do best in a one child household. She is a very quick <br>> learner and is currently working on her house training, Shouldn’t take long at <br>> all. <br>> <br>> We really do LOVE our children so much and want to do what's right <br>> for them. That is why we contacted a rescue group. But we simply can no longer <br>> keep them. Also, we are afraid that they may hurt our new puppy. <br>> <br>> I hope <br>> you understand that ours is a UNIQUE situation and we have a real emergency <br>> here! They MUST be placed into your rescue by Sunday night at the latest or we <br>> will be forced to drop them off at the orphanage or along some dark, country <br>> road. Our priority now has to be our new puppy. <br>> <br>> -- Author <br>> Unknown…<br><br><br><br><br>o.o <br>This is a spoof.<br>I found it on another game.<br>I thought it was funny.<br>If you don't get it, it's basically a family getting a puppy and saying they need to get rid of their kids they've had for years to put full attention on the puppy.<br>Just another view of people getting rid of dogs because they're having a baby, etc.<br>Of course, this isn't directed at anyone, blah, blah, blah. <br>It's a joke. Don't eat me. D;</span>

Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
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