I have been playing vp off and on for about 4 years now. I have no clue why but every time I try to quit I find myself thinking about vp and finally I give in and get back on. I have met several people and made lots of friends. I know I am not really well known. I like to watch and listen so I tend to stay in the background as much as possible. I hope that I have helped at least a few people as they have helped me. If you want to continue to keep in contact with me then I would be willing to exchange emails. So here is a post to say thanks to all the wonderful people on this game that have helped me become the person I am today.<br><br><br>We don't really talk much anymore but thank you so much for all your wonderful art that you have sold me. I hope your art teacher has gotten over her nerves about talking in front of people. <br><br>Thanks for helping me through some rough spots in my life and helping me see that it doesn't matter what happens as long as you have good friends behind you. Huggles!<br><br>You are always quick to comment on everything I do. It used to annoy me but now I welcome it. You are one of my best friends now. I would just die if I didn't see your name in my inbox with something new to tell me. Thanks for being here for me.<br><br>lol you and I have spent many late nights (at least for me its late for you its early) talking about whatever. I have gotten grounded a few times for being up too late and you for getting on too early. You make everything seem fun and like an adventure. <br><br>I don't believe we have ever talked but I love reading your replies to other peoples posts. They are always so funny. I have picked up some habits from you. I am a really random person but I think you top me. I see that you are a true friend to your friends. So I'm saying thank you for showing me that other people can be trusted to stay by your side.<br><br>You were just about one of the most annoying people on here. You really bugged me about anything and everything. For some reason I put up with it and let you annoy me. I tried to teach you some manners but I guess it didn't work seeing as now you are banned. Thanks for teaching me some things. Can't believe that you did but somehow you did. I hope that when you mature a little more you will turn out to be a nice person.<br><br>You asked for a training partner and you got me.

Oh we had a lot of fun those few short months. You taught me that I need to loosen up a bit and take more chances. I thought I was doing good but you showed me I could do better. Thanks.<br><br>I think you love books almost as much as I do. I have seen you post about so many books. We have common likes and dislikes. I think thats cool. I have no clue about your home life or anything but you are always upbeat and ready to face life with a smile on your face. I have only seen you rant about something maybe twice in the three years I have known you. You are a really cool person and I hope that after my break from vp that we can pick back up where we left off. <br><br>You and I have just recently started talking. You share my love for Rhing. We think alike about some things. lol You are a really nice person and I like chatting with you. I hope we can become better friends.<br><br>Thanks for being a friend when i needed it most. You live in a different country, you are like twice my age but you still took the time to help me out. You told me some things that I couldn't see from my angle. You have taught me to look outside the box. Thank you for that.<br><br>You share my love for buying random dogs and then just put them in a kennel and forgetting about them till a month later and then have a whole boat load of training to do. lol We are so silly like that. I miss you on here. You haven't been on for a few months. I hate that you left but i understand why. I know a lot of people miss you just as much as I do. You made vp a brighter and happier place. I hope you are doing well with soccer. I know you love that game. Thanks for everything.<br><br>You let me share a couple kennels with you. You have been a really nice person. I like talking with you. You always have a different viewpoint then I do but thats what helps make you special. I am pretty sure that you are older than me. You at least talk like it anyways. I hope you get your 10x4 here soon. You deserve it.<br><br>I just met you on here a few months ago. We have had a lot of talks about whatever. You are still learning the ropes of the game but you are doing really well. You have gotten really far with your dogs and are working your way up. I know soon you will get that elusive 10x4 great dane! I hope you will continue to do well on this game and that you will meet more nice people. <br><br>Well I can't see straight at the moment so I will stop and later on add a few more people.