I did this to my gifty kennel and found it useful.<br><br>I can organize your dogs into a easy to read chart. I can do gifties, studs, rescuse, or just whatever dogs you want put in. Below is a screenshot of mine.<br><br><img src="
http://i381.photobucket.com/albums/oo256/Eyeburz_RIK/excel-1.jpg" alt="
http://i381.photobucket.com/albums/oo256/Eyeburz_RIK/excel-1.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br><br><img src="
http://i381.photobucket.com/albums/oo256/Eyeburz_RIK/excel-2.jpg" alt="
http://i381.photobucket.com/albums/oo256/Eyeburz_RIK/excel-2.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br><br>Charts are made on Excel. I cannot do them any other way. I can either email the chart to you as an excel file, send you the link if I upload it as a website (but you cannot edit it) or take a screenshot and send it as a picture (if it is small enough, and you cannot edit it).<br><br>Prices vary on size/number of dogs:<br><br>Base Price - 400k<br>Over 200 dogs - add 50k<br>Over 500 dogs - add 100k<br>Over 10 headers - add 50k<br>Picture/Website - add 50k<br><br>Please don't rush me - these take quite a while. If you do purchase this service, you cannot add/subtract dogs from your kennel while I'm doing the chart, as this makes it very hard.<br><br>Slots:<br>1)xtraordinary<br>2)sand piper<br>3)vicky leigh<br><br>I only want 3 active orders at a time, but when they are done you are welcome to order.<br><br>Order Form:<br><br>VP Player Name:<br>VP kennel you want organized:<br>Headers (across top of chart, in order):<br>Number of Dogs:<br>Price (calculate it using the guildines above):<br>Type of chart (picture, excel, website):<br>Any Other Info:<br><br>[EDIT] I CANNOT DO LINE CHARTS - I can sort your dogs by line, or put all of the dogs in a line on a chart, but I cannot do "who bred to who" and family trees and such. SO sorry.