the nose got chopped of a little o.o because my printer likes to enlarge things like crazy...<br><br><br>But,<br><br><br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /><br><br><br>I need critique/help with adding the fur xDD I have no idea how to... every attempt I have tried isnt working.<br>And, please keep in mind I dont draw dogs...ever... so >.> This is one of the few attempts.<br><br>It is a sketch... so any/all advice will be helpful <br><br>Thanks.
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
thanks =D<br><br><br>Its a dog version of Ulquiorra from Bleach xD to go with one of my dyes :P <br><br><br>Ill try each of the fur styles... I havent really done much with fur o.o so, Ill see what I can do.
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
I don't know about a lot of the really good artists on here, (they're probably most likely gonna help you better), but when I do fur, I do it in black and white.<br><br>Instead of coloring the lines, I color the outside of the fur. o.o I'll get an example up, but instead of drawing the dog's fur, I outline it kinda... o.o<br><br>I'm a black and white person when it comes to dogs and cats. xD<br><br>Tis all about shading with me.<br><br>Edit:<br><br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /><br><br>It's really sucky, but when I draw on paper, I'm a LOT better. xD
<br><br>-hijacks-<br><br>:O Thank ya <br>The pictures of Tucker look so professional <br>Must have a steady hand and good camera?<br>-wishes for a good camera-<br>I got new GIMP-banner-making skills the other day, that's why my banner looks better than all my other ones XD<br>-unhijacks-
lmao, well.. that day my hands were frozen pretty much xD I can back in and couldnt move my fingers xDD<br><br>Yeah, i do have a nice camera ^.^ I love it
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!