This of now... 7:14am I am all by myself on the forums.<br><br>>.><br><.<<br><br>Shhhh....It's so quiet....<br><br>*sings*<br><br>Oneee iss the loniest numberrr lol.<br><br><br>*Runs Rampid in Circles around an empty-wide open forum*

<br><br><br>When I came back later.....<br><br>7:22am (Numbers pop up Law&Order style, you know with the "DUN DUN" noise after them..)<br><br>....Still all by myself.....I think I'm going to start construction on a saftey shelter because my thesis is that all the vpians were wiped out. T^T
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"237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
"237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"