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My Kennel Layout...

hey, can people come look at my kennel layout and tell me what you think? my older brother is a United States Marine so i tried to gear it towards that. thanks! here's the link to my kennel:<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>Devil Dog Sis of Recon Kennels
Dr Cox: What?
JD: You Heard Me
Dr Cox: Newbie, What Are You Saying? That You Want To Be Like Me? Understand That I Just Barely Want To Be Like Me.


  • myspace layouts and glitter things annoy alot of the older players.
  • I think you're over the non vp related images quota

    (email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
  • Not only the images, but also the content.. I agree with most of the messages, but not the way they are conveyed.
  • i've actually been playing for over 3 years, took a break, gave my account away, then got started again. i figured this would be a good way to support the Marines, as well as my brother.
    Dr Cox: What?
    JD: You Heard Me
    Dr Cox: Newbie, What Are You Saying? That You Want To Be Like Me? Understand That I Just Barely Want To Be Like Me.
  • doesn't matter, sorry to say. You could be playing for half a decade, and the images would still annoy us, really.<br>and the content of those photos is offensive, to possibly many people. I think it is absolutely horrible to show any sort of hatred, which that is. Furthermore, what happens if we have any middle eastern children or teenagers playing this game? What happens if they see that?

    (email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
  • We also may make no references to site with obscene content, such as the site this layout was originally created for.
  • The Schwartzkof icon and the taxes icon need to go. They violate the terms of service of violence towards other (If the threat to arrange a meeting with god is not the ultimate threat, I don't know what is) and discriminating against people because of their race, religion or personal views. <br><br>American citizens are not the only people that play this game, and while it is not a problem that you support your brother in his service to your country, it is a problem that the layout discriminates against people who do not speak English or who happen to not be American citizens on a game that is not just for American citizens. <br><br>I will give you a little time to correct your layout.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
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