Some people don't like Heathy Foods, and I can understand that because I love sweets, but I like to eat more Heathy foods than I do junk food. Like ommmgggggg, this yogurt is "Coconut Pineapple" O____O It's so gooodddddddd. But then agian, I'm drinking a Monster with it and that's not that heathy. I'm in the middle I gess. Not a heath freak but not a junk addict either. o.o<br><br><br>*Noms Yummy Yogurt*
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"237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
"237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
"237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
"237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
"237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"