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edited March 2009 in General Discussion
Finally, march break has come to the students in my school.<br><br>It's even better because all that really happened was:<br>P1<br>-Talking to Jackson and Devin in science<br> -Stole Jackson's "Discover" magazine, read several wonderful articles, one about the future Chicken-o-saur<br>P2<br>-Built a fort out of atlas' and desks in geo with Devin and Cody<br> -Ate cookies in said fort<br> -Went on a quest for COLOURED chalk<br><br>-LUNCH! With everyone... too many names to type XD<br>P3<br>-Watched Get Smart in religion and ate candy with Julie, Cody and Trevor<br>P4<br>-Watched Iron Man (<3) in english with Julie, Matt, Kelly, Rose, Jackson, Cody, Kurt, Bill and Stefan<br> -Giggle fit during a non-funny part (NOT my fault... it was Jackson and Matt, I SWEAR!)<br><br>So, that was my day. Lots of sugar, and lots of friends. And randomness.<br><br>And now... I miss everyone because half have left for mexico/florida/dominican/ireland/california, and the others live half an hour away. :(<br><br>At least I have a camp to keep me busy mon-fri (HORSEBACKRIDING, YEAH!), to get me ready for show season.<br><br>So... whats everyone doing over march/spring break?


  • gah lucky. spring break isnt for a while here... at least not for my sixth form, it isn't. I'm just going to be chilling, roleplaying online of course (nt on here xD), redecorating my room, and clubbing wiv friends, bf, etc. a bit naff, but hey, who ever said spring breaks had to be like the ones on American telly?

    (email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
  • rohesia wrote:
    gah lucky. spring break isnt for a while here... at least not for my sixth form, it isn't. I'm just going to be chilling, roleplaying online of course (nt on here xD), redecorating my room, and clubbing wiv friends, bf, etc. a bit naff, but hey, who ever said spring breaks had to be like the ones on American telly?
    <br><br>Aww... that sucks.<br><br>And my spring breaks are never like the ones on TV.<br><br>(And I'm kinda glad they aren't.... I couldn't handle the drama)
  • Lol.<br>My spring break starts April 9th...lammee.<br>But, going to see family, friends, and the boyfriend. :D<br>And Florida is lame i live here, and its not what its craked up to be. D: unless you live in orlando.
  • err, here. Doing nothing. Watching an empty fish tank that's being filled next weekend. (Filled with fish. It will have water, plants, and rocks today.)
    Want a 2 OAK gifty? Go here:

  • My friend decided I was going to Flordia with her. So thats what Im doing xD<br><br>Ours doesnt start until the 30th though. (Unless you wanna count the weekend, then it starts the 28th)
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