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Dude, Ever heard of a Chill-Pill?

edited March 2009 in Vent
Lately, people have been getting very snapy with me. I breath without someone making it their business to underline me. Like when today, I gave my phone number to one of my friends and my other friend was like "Why did you give him your number!?!?!" then I explained that because we are friends and it's not like she didn't have my phone number too. And when I tried to talk to her she was extreamly rude, and said "No! Don't talk to me go talk to your new bestfriend!". All that over alittle phone number. I just wish I could walk two steps before someone tried to fight with me. Stress can make you sick you know.
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  • Sounds like she might like him Chibi. :0
  • Stress can make you sick you know.
    <br><br>OH, how I do know.<br>I have anxiety, so I stress without knowing I'm stressing which results in:<br>1. Not eating<br>2. Not sleeping<br>3. Crying<br>4. Over-emotional-ness<br>5. Feeling sick<br><br>It's horrible and I know how you feel.<br>I agree with Panda; she seems like she likes hiiiiim...
  • Stress is something not to be taken lightly.<br><br>And mabey she does like him, she seemed unusally angery and she had to keep telling me how stupid he is. I'll stear clear of the subject with her. :lol:
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  • <br>And mabey she does like him, she seemed unusally angery and she had to keep telling me how stupid he is. I'll stear clear of the subject with her. :lol:
    <br><br><br>Yes, I have friends that have acted like that, and I had no idea what I did, until I got told they liked the person.<br>>.>
  • I know what you mean... One of my friends refused to talk to me for the rest of the day when I didn't say hi to her in the hallway. She wouldn't even let me explain that I didn't see her. And my 'rents tell me to lose my attitude if I try to explain anything to them... :roll: :x <br><br>but back on subject, yeah, I'm guessing your friend likes him and just won't admit it. I've had that happen to me several times. They get over it eventually or end up dating the guy. :roll: :D
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