I gonna get one or even a couple!<br>But I'll start of with one
<br>I know it's going to be a cornsnake, so no harmful snakes XD<br>Thjis all started a couple of weeks agao, wehn I asked my mum if I could have a new pet when we move in may. So we talked about all the possibilities and I just said snake for some reason, thinking my mum would go crazy. But she didn't! If fact she said she really likes snakes and she'd convince my dad to let me have them! That really made my day
<br>Since then I've been reading about them nonestop.<br><br>But what I what to know is if anybody else here keeps snakes and what you think about snakes in general. I myself, have had rather negative feedback from friends and relatives about keeping snakes. But it's about me this time and what I would like, not them. So there's no stopping me lol