Back up on the market...<br><br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>This auction is for one sponsor prestige kennel, however, it has 2 changes so can be any type of kennel you wish. There are no imports, and there is a little over 700 in fame. VPC is strongly preferred, however, I will accept an unmade dye as 30m credit in your bid. All dogs will be included, but there will be no VPC included.<br><br>SB: 5 mil<br>MBI: 5 mil<br>BIN: 75 mil (VPC only)<br>HB: 30m + 30m (unmade paypal dye) <span style="font-weight:bold">teddybears</span><br><br>Gifties may be accepted, to a <span style="font-weight:bold">total of 3 gifties</span> and there may be no more than 3oak. If you wish to bid with the value of a giftie, then please send me a PM with the links of the gifties. I will value a 1oak at 10 mil, a 2oak at 5 mil, and a 3oak at 3 mil. They must pass screening first, I am very particular about the colors I like
<br><br>Grooming will also be taken as payment to a point, valued at 1m a dog. Before offering grooming, you accept that you are aware that the dogs to be groomed are Nijitazosqutal Decoy Wolves and will be groomed to the age of 11. You may bid up to 20 groomings, making a <span style="font-weight:bold">total of 20 mil</span>. If you wish to offer grooming as payment, please message me with no less than three long groom references and three kennels you have groomed for (three different users, of course). I'm sorry, but I have had many of my Decoy imports ruined and I am extremely cautious about who I have groom them.<br><br><span style="font-style:italic">As always, I reserve all rights. Who wouldn't want all their rights?</span>
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested