This is very good for your first time. The head and neck anatomy are pretty awesome.<br>I'm not very good at explaining with words xD, I'm gonna do a quick redline and I'll explain with that.<br><br><img src=" Help/2001-12.png" alt=" Help/2001-12.png" class="bb-image" /><br><br>Usually on most breeds, the back is straight and goes down to the back of the leg. <br>All legs are the same length. <br>Back legs have two bends. One at the knee and then another at the hock (think of it as a "heel" on a foot). <br>Paws should be flat on the ground. <br>Only two toes show at this angle, the profile. <br>I love the head and neck, no need to mess with that x3. <br>The nose needs to stick out a bit, though. <br><br>Hope I helped. The legs could be a little longer, but I've seen mixed breeds that looked like that, so it's okay x3.
That looks great Aliens... a little work on fur and she'd look like a german Shepherd with the hind legs like that. Do u mind if i attempt to renovate my pic using ur advice?
it didnt look that chubby til i made it smaller on paint lol. Im also working on an aussie but i cant seem to get the head right. Im gonna have to attempt some different positions soon
Vamps very very nice. <br><br>I think you fallowed Wert's Redline Perfectly. I think I might make a tutorial for paws, and eyes, ears ect. Mabey that could be helpful. But you have real potential. I think it looks like a wolf x3<br><br>If you need any sort of advise or help you can always ask Chibs.
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