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Manip? Maybe not? >

edited March 2009 in Artist Alley
<img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Done on GIMP, took me about 20 minutes, if that.<br><br>I don't have many brushes, will have to download more D;<br><br>I was going to leave the pics in colour, but thought I'd change it to b&w.<br><br>Overall, it looks quite okay in my opinion, but could someone(s) please tell me how to improve? <br>I normally do graphics on PS, but thought I'd try on GIMP ..<br><br>:?
((: ... anqel'


  • Very nice, just maybe try not to have the text go over her face.<br><br>I like it, alot actually.
  • Thanks! And thanks for the quick reply!<br><br>I didn't know where to start to put the text, center, dotted, everywhere etc. and thought putting it aside from the center with the rest would make it look silly.<br><br>Thanks very much! ;3
    ((: ... anqel'
  • --> <br><br>I need to know how to improve!
    ((: ... anqel'
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