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So I'm pretty excited...

<span style="font-size:75">My mom is letting me get another dog! :D<br>Almost all of our dogs are show champions now, and we're only still<br>showing 7 of them. And those 7 will be done in a few months.<br>So..she agreed that I can get another dog :D<br><br>She doesn't care what breed I decide on, as long as its nothing puny xD<br>I don't like most small breeds anyways.<br>So I've narrowed it down to a Flat Coated Retriever, a Pointer, or an<br>Irish Setter.<br>I'm pretty settled on getting an Irish Setter though.<br><br>My aunt is friends with the owners of <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Avon Farm Irish Setters</a>, and co-owns/handles for them.<br>I really like <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">these two</a> that they already have available. <br>But, I also might wait for either -their- next litter, or my aunts next litter.<br><br>My aunt bought <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">this male</a> from them in early 2008 and he's produced<br>wonderful show quality puppies for them so far.<br>They're planning on breeding him again to one of their females.<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Tessy</a> is currently<br>number 4 Irish Setter in the country.<br>So they might breed to her. And I LOVE her head, movement, and body<br>structure.<br>And on Tommy, he's got a beautiful head, and wonderful body structure, but his movement could be better.<br><br>So I guess it all just depends. <br>But, I'm pretty sure I'm going with an Irish Setter. <br>I love those dogs<333 They're so sweet, and gentle and loyal ;)<br><br>Anyways, I'll give everyone updates if anything else happens :D</span>


  • Ooooh, I luffles setters and Flat-coats They are the two sweetest things in the world. Do you already own a FCR?
  • Tina Wolf wrote:
    Ooooh, I luffles setters and Flat-coats They are the two sweetest things in the world. Do you already own a FCR?
    <br><br>Nope, I've only got Bernese Mountain Dogs and Newfoundlands atm.<br>I'm experienced with most working and sporting breeds though :D<br>Flat Coats are Uh-May-Zinnng to show xD it's so fun x)
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">My mom grew up w/ an Irish and says they are one of the best dogs you<br>could ever hope to have! The Irish was super loyal and loved kids to death! lol<br>She remembers pulling on the dog's hair when she was a baby and the dog did<br>nothing but roll over on her belly like she wanted to play. She also acted like<br>a second mother to my mom and aunt. My grandma absolutely loves the breed too. <br>If she could, she would raise them herself.... (Not enough land and time) <br>I would recremend highly thinking about getting one of those. <br><br>Oh, btw, your aunt's dog is stunningly beautiful! And both pups look so adorable... <br>Either would be a fine choice to own and love and possibly show. :D </span></span>
  • aw <3 I love Irish Setter puppies xD They look so goofy when they're young. <3 Its adorable.<br><br>I love all setters :P Never owned an Irish, but someone in my family does, and she's the sweetest dog. :D <br><br>I think all three of the choices you have are beautiful breeds :D And congrats on your other dogs ^^
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Moony how about i take the setter, and you take 2 of my wheaties :)
  • omggg. moon. <br><span style="font-size:59">you should get a Great Pyrenees =]</span><br><br>BUT. anyways...<br>yes. <br>those setters look amazing.
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