I don't think you should eyeball existing pictures and then show them around saying they're copyrighted to you. The only thing you can copyright are drawings/designs that came from your head. The Lion King, Balto, Lady and the Tramp, Stallion of the Cimarron are all copyrighted to their own thing. <br><br>I would also suggest stop showing around eyeballed pictures period, since it really isn't a hundred percent yours, and we can't critique if we don't know your real skill level. <br>Eyeballing does help people draw a little, but it's best not to show it around.
o.o; i didnt actually mean that they were copyrighted.. just not to steal the ones i drew and use them saying you drew them.. o.o; and my oher art work is the stuff i want crit on.. they show my level of art..