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'Next Dog'

I think for all the rescue kennels, [and only rescue kennels!] there should be a 'next dog' button at the top of every dog's page. <br><br>So when we are trawling through dogs looking to rescue, we don't have to keep going back. We can just go from dog to dog. <br><br>I think it should be at the top, near 'vet pannel'.<br><br>It would make things a LOT easier, or am I just been lazy?<br><br>Would it make it too easy?<br><br>Just a thought...
((: ... anqel'


  • Ohmygoodness yes. O.O
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • -flails- yes plz!
  • O.o<br><br>I just started sharing a friends, and it would be so much easier!<br>Especially after I finish a big rescuing frenzy (50-100 dogs in one go), because some I move to the main kennel to turn until I can retire them, and once you finish with one dog, you have to go back to do another!<br><br>Getting to the point.<br>I think this would help a lot! :D
  • I love this Idea! It would make it soooo much easier. I usually click on the same dog like 5 times lol.
    Please msg me if I win or owe something!
  • omg this is the best idea i so agree because i am a rescue kennel and it is so difficult to keep going back the n click then back
    im looking for some thin to go here =)
  • yes I love this idea :D
  • Yes! I will click the same one 10x.
    Please msg me if I win or owe something!
  • I;d love this idea :)
  • was this ever commented on by an op? i think this would be amazing.. and no rescue could probably find a fault..?

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
    Want help with graphics making? Just PM me!
  • Hmm I see no fault with this. But if this is put would allow us rescues to get the other dogs from suspended kennels that we can't see into. xD I wouldn't mind that. <br><br>For me I dot really care if this is put in because I have no issues scrolling but I see nothing wrong with it. ^-^
  • Yes but why must it only be rescue kennels? Couldn't it simply be on all dogs pages, for maybe when one wants to put a dog up for sale or maybe in making pics for all of them and just goes thru the list
  • Was this in the player meeting or anything?<br><br>It would be really good if it could happen! :]
    ((: ... anqel'
  • yes plz!!
    22/100 mill so far
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