So anyways.<br><br>I still have baby teeth. Five of them. Well now two.<br><br>I got three pulled today. <br><br>Now my mouth hurts.<br><br>They gave me laughing gas during the actual procedure<br><br>So I don't remember much, I was pretty out of it.<br><br>I do remember saying something along the lines of "Fang, I love you sooooooo much" and the dentist being all "Oh, Maximum Ride"<br><br>But yeah.<br><br>I get to miss school.<br><br>But I'm starving. And the side of my mouth is numb. So I can't eat.<br><br>And I still have to make an appointment to get the other two out.<br><br>But yeah. So I'll be here all day xD
Semper Fi.
Boz's Art Dump
Boz's Art Dump
Semper Fi.
Boz's Art Dump
Semper Fi.