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Very Mature mother...

edited February 2009 in Vent
Well, I have twin sisters, they just turned 9 on the 13<span style="font-size:59">th</span>. My mom sticks up for the one more than the other and prefers her over the other too. <br><br>Well, about 9 minutes ago, Shania threw Samantha's rubber ball and it landed in my dog's water dish. Sam freaked, told mother, and she came out screaming. Shania was walking away, mother was still freaking, so she decided to chuck the ball at her, hitting her in the back. So now I have a crying child on my knee with a welt on her back (my mother used to play softball). <br><br>Very mature mother, hitting a child with a ball because she walked away when you weren't done screaming at her :S Oh, and keep your dog from my feet, the old fart keeps biting me because I move my feet, K? thanks.


  • First off, I can say this right now: What. The. Hell. You can file a child abuse report with DSS/CPS. Because I know what it feels like to have huge welts all over your rear end and back ;D <br><br>I would suggest telling someone or filing a report because that was -totally- uncalled for :/
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
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