I'm sick of receiving ads and other crap every time I log into my kennel. I vote for an option to disable receiving kennel messages altogether. xD Who's with me?
But you would still have to be able to receive messages from Admins or Ops. <br>Maybe if you could have "Block All PMs except from these people...." and then be able to type the usernames of your friends or something. Like on FB :P
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
Something like this could probably be done. I don't think the op messaging thing would be a problem either because we can still message you if we are put on ignore. ;D
I don't think the op messaging thing would be a problem either because we can still message you if we are put on ignore. ;D
<br><br>I figured that. =p<br><br>But it'd just make things so much less aggravating. And then you would have less people flipping out on each other through PM and... Yeah. =D But the exception thing would be good too.
Something like this could probably be done. I don't think the op messaging thing would be a problem either because we can still message you if we are put on ignore. ;D
<br><br>lol I didn't know if that worked or not haha.. didn't want to try it though =P
if you were a training or breeding kennel then how could anyone pm you to ask for services? its a good idea but i think that would present a bit of a problem.
if you were a training or breeding kennel then how could anyone pm you to ask for services? its a good idea but i think that would present a bit of a problem.
<br><br>Some people don't breed or trian to the public.<br>and I personally get more training jobs through the forums
i know. im just talking in general. i mean, yeah, they could always go to the forums but occasionally the forum wont let me on so i usually do a lot of the business stuff on pms in the game. and like i said, its a great idea. i would be on board with it if i rarely used mi pm's to ppl i dont physically know and stuff. *shrugs*
if you were a training or breeding kennel then how could anyone pm you to ask for services? its a good idea but i think that would present a bit of a problem.
<br><br>It would be optional for the player, so if they want to keep getting messages they just don't click for the option, easy as pie. <br><br>Personally I'd love to get rid of messaging on all but 3 accounts. All my breed kennels just get spam, or people begging for me to be really nice and let my lines out, or just give them my dogs (yeah even the personal breed, it gets lots of beggars o.o )<br><br>I think this would be a great addition to the 'block bids' feature.
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.