I don't really see the point because you can just click on your kennel page and see the result. If it dosen't fit then you can change it again. It would probaly mean a lot of coding for Nef for something that in my opinion isn't needed.
Good idea katie... it would be helpful for the slower connections, since you wouldn't always have to click back.<br>I think people shouldn't shoot it down with coding, because that's her decision, not ours.
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
Good idea katie... it would be helpful for the slower connections, since you wouldn't always have to click back.<br>I think people shouldn't shoot it down with coding, because that's her decision, not ours.
<br><br>thanks i thought of this because html coding can get really confusing and if you mess up and click submit, you could mess up the entire layout and have no way of fixing it. XD thanks again
There are quite a few free layout design programs out there that let you see the layout before you ever install it on the game. I would suggest that if you do this a lot, that you need to think about downloading one of them. <br><br>It is that same type of programming that would need to be created in two places if VP were to have a "preview" link. Personally, I think it's unnecessary. If you're afraid of messing up the layout and don't wish to download a program, save the code to a word document or word pad before messing with it more. That way you have a backup copy in case you do mess it up ;D
<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
Yes, it is a good idea. Not to be anything other than honest, I belive this IS important. Say someone had made their own layout. They pasted it on and started writing their info. They submit, look at their kennel and see they've done it all wrong. They can't fix it perfectly as a human. Causing them to go back to the begining and start all over again. This is my true opinion, please no rude comebacks.
I don't see a need for a preview of layouts. It's perfectly simple to submit it, look at your page, see an error, and go back - the code is saved right there for your editing pleasure. Having a preview option wouldn't solve the problem of errors in coding.
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