I cant get onto my kennel!<br><br>This is the kennel, its a breeding, and is overdue to expire;<br><a href="http://www.virtualpups.com/index.php?r=kennel/view&id=210450" target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://www.virtualpups.com/index.php?r=kennel/view&id=210450</a><br><br>It still has my layout, and all the dogs there are mine. I never put the Cerberus for sale either! I share the kennel with Tiffer (noshameupinmygame) and D.isturbed, Im not sure if either have given the password out, but Ive tried 3 different passwords. <br>There is also about 1 million that is my money there too.<br>Is there anyway I can get back onto the kennel and at least get my dogs?
I will worry about it though! Its my money and my dogs. Yes I may be leaving, but that doesnt mean Im just going to let someone else take my dogs. The kennel will expire soon anyway, Ive messaged both the kennel and the original owner. <br>So I suppose all we can do is wait.<br><br>Sorry for being a bit harsh .. Im just annoyed. :evil:
If you've not given out the password to anyone, have you tried deleting your cookies and trying again? Otherwise, you will need to get ahold of the previous owner and ask them to retrieve the password. This is why if you buy a kennel, you change the e-mail to your own.<br><br>You might also try putting in a ticket through Orbis Worlds, and explaining the problem about the e-mail and Nef might be able to get you the password, but that would be up to her discrection.
<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
If you've not given out the password to anyone, have you tried deleting your cookies and trying again? Otherwise, you will need to get ahold of the previous owner and ask them to retrieve the password. This is why if you buy a kennel, you change the e-mail to your own.<br><br>You might also try putting in a ticket through Orbis Worlds, and explaining the problem about the e-mail and Nef might be able to get you the password, but that would be up to her discrection.
<br><br>Thanks. I didnt purchase the kennel from her, we both use it. Which is why I never changed it, as I only used it for Breeding. Ill wait until I hear back from the original owner. Thanks again.