Okey, so some of you know about my mums dog walking buisness.<br><br>Well. <br>About 2 years ago<br>We daycared this little jack russel<br>She was soo friendly <br>EVERYONE loved her<br>BUT<br>Her dad's broke up<br>One of them cheated<br>The other one was heart broken<br>The only things they shared <br>was a home<br>a pet shop<br>And calle<br>You can pretty much guess what happens from here<br>But ill tell you anyway<br>The guy who was heartbroken, 'Craig'<br>Sold his half of the shop<br>and the other guy morgaged the home to pay craig for craigs half<br>but<br>as many of you know<br>YOU CANT REPLACE A DOG!<br>Now, they both want her<br>craig is willing to pay good money he cant afford to keep her busy during the day<br>BUT<br>The other guy, 'Derek' has a pet shop, shes use to staying in during the day<br>So, its becoming pretty clear to Craig that he wont be able to afford the lawyers to get her back<br>Hes even more heartbroken<br>He checks himself into a mental hospital<br>a week later he gets out<br>manages to get calle back<br>but Derek steals her<br>Craig moves away, so Derek cant find him<br>and seeks leagal advice to get her back<br>eventually Derek gets caught for something mucky doesnt know about<br>and lawyers get calle, even though they are thousends of miles away from craig<br>craig moves back to get her<br>we get a call<br>'Are you still open for daycare?'<br>'Ehm It Depends?'<br>'Its Craig'<br>'Ehm, Craig Who?'<br>'Calle'-almost crying-'I got her back'<br>'OMG, CALLE'<br><br>Basically, We, too, Got her back, <br>Apparently before he moved right back, he put her to someone else....<br>She was was being left from 9am till 4pm in an unheated shed while no-one was home someone told him she'd whine from about 9:30am-4pm and, he was charged 15.74£ because of her weight ..
:O..<br><br>She came for the first time in 2 years, Today. his new partner said she raced right up the path and knew exacly where she was going .. After 2 years.. <br><br>She fitted right back in, although.. She now, looks like a table (Craigs only just tryed to get her weight off, so she wont look like one for long

)<br><br>We're all soo happy to see her, We've all missed her soo much<br><br>and, Craigs got a clydedale
:O, called jeff, and a house rabbit, lol, he says calle and the rabbit chase each other in the middle of the night.. :E
