My pup's bone was too high for him to reach this morning.<br><br>So he stole the lettuce. :shock: <br><br>Brought it over to a nice little corner in the living room (where nobody can see him except for everyone in the house), obviously thinking it was a strange kind of bone. He gnawed for about two seconds and left it there, to go back to the counter to steal something else.<br><br>He decided on the radish. Didn't even bother chewing it for once. Must have just tasted it, then brought it back to to the lettuce and dropped it in.<br><br>Oh, joys. Time for the celery. He was so discreet about this, too, looking both ways before snatching it from the counter, then running uber low to the ground to add it to his loverly meal. Just nibbled the end of it this time.<br><br>The next ingrediant didn't make it to the pile. 0.o (We bet that he wouldn't eat the next one, too, and if he did we'd give him his <span style="font-style:italic">normal</span> bone back. >_>) He snatched up some of the chopped onion pieces, turned around to go back to the pile, then decided they were too good and ate 'em on the spot.<br><br>When he got his bone back he went over next to his salad to chew on the bone. Never touched the salad once. Despite how gloriously gormet it was.
<br><br>Me and my grandpa where sitting at the table the whole time, like, o____o
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t