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A couple quick suggestions

edited February 2009 in Game Suggestions
-A button or hyperlink on your dog's page that only you can see, saying "View My Dog's Page" where you can then see what others see. <br>This would be good if you were changing the comments and pic of the dog and wanted to view.<br><br>-A list of the Novice/Sponsor kennels your Sponsor is linked to somewhere in Management.<br><br>-A "Remove all dogs from boarding" button.<br><br>-For a dog to disappear from the drop-down list if it has already been entered in the event. This would make entering way less tedious.<br><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Please don't shoot these down with coding remarks. </span>
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.


  • I agree with all those. Although the third I wouldn't need. :lol:
  • I would need all of them (: they're all good (: specially the event one xF<br><br>and.. does anyone know what happens if you have more than 10 accounts linked to one sponsor? Idk how many i have.. not a lot though??<br><br>sorry for hijacking with it :S
    ((: ... anqel'
  • Another one -- Offspring of dog to still show up in bloodlines after it has been neutered.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • *drool* Ooooh Tina needs the 'remove all dogs from boarding button'. Every single one of my eventing dogs are on the last page of dogs in my kennel, and I disabled right clicking on my kennel page. *dies* Unboard, go back to kennel, surf through the dogs, unboard, go back, surf, unboard, go back, surf . . . . <br><br>Ugh.
  • I'm sure all of these have been suggested before... Except the second one of course.
    kimyo.jpeg 31275.png
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