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PotM Nominations: February

Howdy all :mrgreen:<br><br>As part of the Orbis World Newletter, we're going to be featuring a player of the month from every Orbis game.<br><br>The way we do this, is you fill out the following form with as much information as possible about the person you are nominating. Remember, not everyone knows the person you are nominating as well as you do.<br>Next, PM it to me. <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="color:red">DO NOT POST IT HERE!</span></span><br><br>A winner will be picked from a group of anonymous judges who frequent this game.<br><br><span style="font-size:150"><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">Nomination form:</span></span></span><br><span style="color:red"><span style="font-style:italic">Player Name:<br>Why do you feel this person deserves to be chosen?<br>Please provide examples of how this person has helped you or someone else:<br>Any additional information that you think is important to know: </span></span><br><br>A player can only be chosen once in 12 months. They will be ineligible to be nominated again. You can be nominated by any number of people and as many times (as long as you haven't won before ;))<br><br>For those <span style="text-decoration:underline">nominated</span>, can you please fill out the following form and post it <span style="font-weight:bold">here</span>:<br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Forum Name:<br>Player Name in Game:<br>Main kennel Number:<br>Chat Names If Applicable: </span><br><br><span style="font-size:150"><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline">Past Winners</span></span></span><br>(ineligible to be nominated again) <br><br>A-sap - August 2008<br>Evlon - September 2008<br>Zoe - October 2008<br>Horse - November 2008<br>Chibi Werewolf - December 2008<br>Dreamland - January 2009<br><br>Thanks all, and start nominating ;) Don't forget to PM me the nomination for the player you would like to see as player of the month ;)<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">
</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Nominations</span><br><br>Player Name: Simstar or Areo pup on vp<br>Why do you feel this person deserves to be chosen? Sim deserves tp be chosen because she is always happy and like my bestest friend on vp.<br>Please provide examples of how this person has helped you or someone else: Well she helped me get addicted to racing greyhounds and she just oves to help people. Like with magics STR she is training i think 10 for free<br>Any additional information that you think is important to know: She is awesome.<br><br>
<br><br>Player Name: Tiffer<br>Why do you feel this person deserves to be chosen? She is kind and has helped SOO much with my lines, when i told her i was broke and couldnt afford training anymore she told me to send them for free as she want to see me reach 10x4!!<br>Please provide examples of how this person has helped you or someone else: Free training, Just decided to add new blood to the breed im working on.<br>Any additional information that you think is important to know: Very kind, always cheery, one of 8 best mates on VP and everyone loves her!<br><br>Player Name: Noshameupinmygame (tiffer on forums)<br>Why do you feel this person deserves to be chosen? Shameh is just kind to everyone new and old. She has tried to help and has never said anything negative about another player. She is always in such a cheery mood and is fun to talk to and be around. She is always on time with her training and pleases the people that hire her.<br>Please provide examples of how this person has helped you or someone else: She has offered free trainings before to me and others. Even though I declined it was such a nice thought considering how boring training is.<br>Any additional information that you think is important to know: Uh..Shamwow FTW! xD<br><br>
<br><br>Forum Name: tarnish<br>Player Name in Game: tarnish<br>Main kennel Number:<br>Chat Names If Applicable:<br>reasons:she is always quick to help new and older players.she takes time to make help tips so everyone can enjoy the game alittle better.Also i have found she is one of the most honest players in game and mainly on forum


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