<span style="color:indigo">Yah. <br><br>But it will be a while, because I need to enter her in events during the breeding. Unless you want too?<br>I have a stud for her .. actually, I have like .. 4. haha.<br><br>Message me at; Pry</span>
There are no secrets! <br><br>Just advertise regularly, and check the damn things regularly.<br><br>Many people board at mine because I check them so much, and now there's 1595 dogs in boarding, I get 1595 x 500 everytime I check them.<br><br>Pretty good.
<span style="color:indigo">Baha. :twisted: <br><br>SandPiper is upgrading a kennel for me. It shalt be a Boarding! -evil laugh-<br><br>All is good. Wont be upgraded for like, 2 weeks. But thats okay. </span>
There are no secrets! <br><br>Just advertise regularly, and check the damn things regularly.<br><br>Many people board at mine because I check them so much, and now there's 1595 dogs in boarding, I get 1595 x 500 everytime I check them.<br><br>Pretty good.
<br>i took my dogs all out of a random boarding kennel and put them in yours lol
There are no secrets! <br><br>Just advertise regularly, and check the damn things regularly.<br><br>Many people board at mine because I check them so much, and now there's 1595 dogs in boarding, I get 1595 x 500 everytime I check them.<br><br>Pretty good.
<br>i took my dogs all out of a random boarding kennel and put them in yours lol
<span style="color:indigo">:?<br><br>Made a new layout for my awesome new soon-to-be boarding kennel. I have a contest going for a banner, prize is 2 million. <br><br>Watching Viva La Bam .. Bam is awesome. <br><br>Need to do a lineart for someone on VHR. Weirdo colour too;<br>Pale white, black mane and tail, blood splattered of rump, fangs and blood dripping from the mouth.<br>No wonder I have been putting it off for the last week. <br><br>Am training again too. So if anyone (besides Tiff and Tina) want to groom some dogs for 50k a year, lemme know, cause I got quite a few. </span>
Or hide and seek! Tina will count! 1......2........ . . . <br><br>50!!!<br><br>Bobbeth, ready or not, here I comeths!<br><br>But, can someone explain to me (I obviously don't have a boarding kennel XD) what checking is in a boarding kennel? And advertising on the bark park really actually works? 0.o I just grab the first kennel on the list for 'specialty kennels' namely, of course, Aziu, who's at the top. XD
Yeah you click the boarding home button thing, then it comes up with a list of all dogs boarding at your kennel, and a button which says 'Check all dogs' so you press it, and all are checked, stats all raise and money all comes through!<br><br>Tis great! :P
<span style="color:indigo">ZOMG!<br><br>BEAM FOR A FOURTH!<br><br>It was her first one .. and in Angels events too. :evil: <br>Oh well. She won over a million before it happened .. haha</span>
<span style="color:indigo">ZOMG!<br><br>BEAM FOR A FOURTH!<br><br>It was her first one .. and in Angels events too. :evil: <br>Oh well. She won over a million before it happened .. haha</span>
<br><br>Haha.<br><br>Mine's getting old =/<br>Bubblegum shall be groomed soon! Mwahahah! When I get round to itt!<br><br>Obedience events are all I make =P haha, gd luck!!!!
<span style="color:indigo">Heh. Ive been on VHR to much. Been eventing Gymkhana and Western horses, lmao.<br><br>Beam now has 2 fourths. Im looking for a groomed Spotted Hyena stud that I can breed Isolation too .. Then I shall find another non-related female, keep the highest loyalty male of the litter, groom them both, breed them .. then event him ...<br>and not let her have the litter! mwahahaha. :shock: <br><br>Selling Flyball Team too. :twisted: </span>
<span style="color:indigo">Heh. Changing subject.<br>Its by birthday in 14 days, and dad said he will get me something from the goodie page.<br>Im crossing my fingers on a breed. But being Down Under, it'll cost me $140 instead of $95 like the majority of you guys.<br><br>Goodie Dyes are $13.<br>So if he wont get me a breed, Ill probably get 2-5 goodie dyes.<br><br>Which is why Im looking for a 10x4 female Dalmatian, because I have a colour in mind that Id like to one for Simea.<br>Ill probably get a horse dyed as well. <br><br>What does everyone else think?</span>
Aw. I luffles your idea for a breed! But getting a whole bunch of dyes would be a good idea. And you could use one to sell and get mega $$$ XD<br><br>Dreamy! I ish in the SBPARTMPTL!<br><br>Simmy<br>Bobcat<br>Pry<br>Angel<br>Rosy (who poofed )<br>Tiff<br>Muckeh<br>Pepper<br>Tina - meh!<br>Ludie
<span style="color:indigo">Im still tossing up ideas for a breed though.<br><br>I could get a goodie dye today, lol. Cause I get like, $20 a week from dad, but he keeps it in his bank (cause Ill waste it :twisted: ) for me.<br>All I need to do is ring him. Haha.<br><br>But I dont have a dog to put it on. </span>
<span style="font-size:75">TLD.. THE LION DOOD! xDDD<br><br>*edit*<br>Random.. But.. Er.. Does anyone want some (free)manips for their eventers? I feel in a manip-y mood. xD</span>
<span style="font-size:75">Of course. 8D Buy you're not paying. D<<br>xD<br><br>I just need breed, color of dog, text, color scheme, yada yada yada. </span>