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Banner Contest! 500k! Prize rising with intrest!!

Ummmm, not sure if this is enough money for a banner contest, but, tis all I have... You have to make two banners!<br><br>#1<br>Text: ROFL<br>Pics: none<br>Colors: any<br>Other: just have a whole bunch of ROFL's all over the banner.<br>Size: medium to big<span style="font-style:italic">ish</span><br><br>#2<br>Text: Trees and Pens<br>Subtext: The two funniest things ever! (emphasize ever)<br>Pics: a pen and a tree (lol)<br>Colors: any<br>Other: have the text "Trees and Pens" underneath the pics. ;D<br>Size: medium to big<span style="font-style:italic">ish</span><br><br><br><br><span style="font-size:150">Ends....dunno, in a few weeks. 8D</span><br><br><span style="font-size:150">Also!! Prize rising with intrest!!</span>
anothernametag2.png 316on4h.gif 2n6c8d4.gif


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