Hmm Not all of you know that ill be moving out.. but i love animals and because all my cats are a family we cant seperate them, im going to be out too much to take the dogs and the place im moving to will be too small for the rabbit.. so ive been looking for another animal that is low cost (exept for setting up fees) and low maintanance(sp?) i started thinking about eggs
i love chickens and stuff too much that ill only eat cake, no eggs -at all- i feel it kinda like forcing a chicken to have an abortion.. but anyz... i though about raising quail/ they are small when young and could be kept in a large ish rabbit hutch.. that would give them loads of space but wouldnt let them mess all over the carpets or anthing <br><br>Rough hutch size im talking about: 4O INCH LENGTH 20 INCH WIDTH CAGE WITH TRAY IS 18 INCHES<br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /><br><br>A baby quail is: Tiny<br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /><br><br>The reason for only raising them is because id be on my own, and the more they increase in age the higher chance of needing vet treatment and then vaccinations an stuff.. where as if i just raise them i could then sell them to people who breed quails..that way i dont have huge fees racking up all the time but i also get a pet
<br><br>i was thinking about raising 2-4 at a time.. which is obviously abnormal because i found an ebay auction for 48 eggs