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edited February 2009 in Vent
how extremely, awkwardly, sadly, unfortunately, randomly IRONIC.<br><br>haha @ emos because they cut themselves.<br>haha @ emos because they're sad.<br>eff emos because they are just trying to get attention.<br><br>actually, people and their stupid actions are the reason for their depression. why would they want attention from the ones they hate the most.<br>actually, "non-emos" get sad too. we all do, unless we're robots with no EMOtion.<br>haha @ self-mutilation? what kind of sicko are you? <br><br>comment all you want. :|
<br><br>I hate the word, the idea, the EVERYTHING about "emo" people.<br>It actually makes me so frustrated when people take pics of themselves<br>looking down and make it black and white and say, HAHA EMO!!!<br>They should at least try and be compassionate. How can someone<br>honestly not care about people who need it the most? I just don't get that.
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.


  • Yeah.. who <span style="font-style:italic">wants</span> to be depressed? Who wants to be constantly upset!? <br><br>If I were upset, I'd be trying to get myself happy again... not the other way! <br><br>It annoys me as well.
    ((: ... anqel'
  • edited February 2009
    <span style="font-size:92">Something that seriously pisses me off though is my friend. She -acts- emo and depressed for attention, I'm pretty sure. And she's always like "Being depressed is fun!" and things like that. Now, I do not know what being depressed is like. But I sure as hell know that it would not be fun to be depressed.</span>
  • SandyPaws wrote:
    <span style="font-size:92">Something that seriously pisses me off though is my friend Sydney. She -acts- emo and depressed for attention, I'm pretty sure. And she's always like "Being depressed is fun!" and things like that. Now, I do not know what being depressed is like. But I sure as hell know that it would not be fun to be depressed.</span>
    <br><br>Ever got tangled in a thorn bush, with all the thorns in your sides, not letting you go? And as you struggle to free yourself, they dig deeper? Not fun, right?<br>Right. That's what depression is similar to. You try to free yourself, but the more you struggle to get your head above the water to get air, the undertow and cross current sucks your right back under.
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • SandyPaws wrote:
    <span style="font-size:92">Something that seriously pisses me off though is my friend Sydney. She -acts- emo and depressed for attention, I'm pretty sure. And she's always like "Being depressed is fun!" and things like that. Now, I do not know what being depressed is like. But I sure as hell know that it would not be fun to be depressed.</span>
    <br><br>Ever got tangled in a thorn bush, with all the thorns in your sides, not letting you go? And as you struggle to free yourself, they dig deeper? Not fun, right?<br>Right. That's what depression is similar to. You try to free yourself, but the more you struggle to get your head above the water to get air, the undertow and cross current sucks your right back under.
    <br><br>I have to say that emos as such can be wonderful people, if they are in the right mood. One of my friends considers himself an emo and I hate to say this but I get so worked up over his behaviour that changes constantly from one minute to the next.<br>But what I truely don't understand is how people our age can get depressed. I know, I haven't been depressed yet but there was also no reason to be that I could truely justify. Okay, we're teenagers and go through phases most of us would rather leave out. But if that would truely make every teeanger depressed then our world would be populated by emos. But it's not. So why not try to make life the best you can even if there are hard times ahead or behind one. Even going into extremes such as loosing a family member or friend are not reasons to be depressed until the end of days. You can make choices and these choices decide over your emotional state and the life you will/want to lead. <br>Yes, it is right to cry. It is right to be down. But after some time you've got to pick up the pieces because life goes on. Everyone has bad times, everyone feels 'emo' at some point. The thing is to get back onto your feet.<br><br>So I can understand why you get angry at your friend, SandPaws. She doesn't see it as anymore as game. But there are people out there who really are struggeling to keep their head over water. Some people can't find their way back into a normal life. But especially young people have so much to live for. Friends, family or just life its self.<br><br>I could sing a song about hard times. My mom raised me all by herself. My dad was a drug addict and my twin sister didn'y even get a chance to live life. All these things could burry me underneath them. But I don't want to be burried underneath all these burdens. I have a fabolous step-dad and a dog I love to bits! I want to see my friends, have fun, hell I even love to go to school!<br><br>All I'm trying to say, is that by just giving up, you give up on yourself. Whenever a door closes, there is another door that opens. You've just got to look.
  • I have to say that emos as such can be wonderful people, if they are in the right mood. One of my friends considers himself an emo and I hate to say this but I get so worked up over his behaviour that changes constantly from one minute to the next.
    <br><br>Thats called bi-polar hon o.o
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • I have to say that emos as such can be wonderful people, if they are in the right mood. One of my friends considers himself an emo and I hate to say this but I get so worked up over his behaviour that changes constantly from one minute to the next.
    <br><br>Thats called bi-polar hon o.o
    <br><br>Yes, but he is wrongly considering himself an emo then, isn't he.
  • I have to say that emos as such can be wonderful people, if they are in the right mood. One of my friends considers himself an emo and I hate to say this but I get so worked up over his behaviour that changes constantly from one minute to the next.
    <br><br>Thats called bi-polar hon o.o
    <br><br>Yes, but he is wrongly considering himself an emo then, isn't he.
    <br><br>Was that a statement or a question? Lmao<br><br>Emo, once again, is a poor excuse for a stereotype ^_^
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • yes, that was a statemant :)
  • Emo just means emotioal. We are all emotional. :wink:
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • But what I truely don't understand is how people our age can get depressed. I know, I haven't been depressed yet but there was also no reason to be that I could truely justify. Okay, we're teenagers and go through phases most of us would rather leave out. But if that would truely make every teeanger depressed then our world would be populated by emos. But it's not. So why not try to make life the best you can even if there are hard times ahead or behind one. Even going into extremes such as loosing a family member or friend are not reasons to be depressed until the end of days. You can make choices and these choices decide over your emotional state and the life you will/want to lead. <br>Yes, it is right to cry. It is right to be down. But after some time you've got to pick up the pieces because life goes on. Everyone has bad times, everyone feels 'emo' at some point. The thing is to get back onto your feet.
    <br><br>Anyone can become depressed at any age Argonautica, some people are even born with it. There are different kinds of depression.<br><br>Ok, so, you know how you go and watch a movie right? and sometimes its sad at the end... like.. "Marley and Me". You may look around the cinema, find people bawling their eyes out, people only crying a bit and some people don't even cry at all cause 'it's just a movie'. What i'm trying to get across is everyone deals with things differently. Their emotions differ, you may not be able to see how someone of teenage years could become depressed when you dont actually know their emotional range. It can happen to anyone.<br><br>=]
  • Okay, I am sorry if I am being rude, but EMO is NOT a stereotype! Emo is a genre of music, short for EMOtional. <span style="font-weight:bold">Scene</span> is the stereotype, and it bugs me to Hell that people always say EMO. I will say, I have the scene style, I hang out with Scene people, and they do act depressed sometimes, but it's not their whole life.<br><br>Basically, it's not <span style="font-weight:bold">EMO</span>, it's <span style="font-weight:bold">SCENE</span>.<br><br>/hijacksorry
  • i agree!!! Emo isn't a bad trait or anything like that but a Style if someone likes those colors, music, etc... let them....and as for cutting themselves, they don't do it for attention! They do it to relieve pain my bff is Emo and i luveh her the way she is
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