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So. I'm back.

<span style="font-size:75">Yeah. :/ Wert kinda encouraged me to come back after saying people weren't making "I HATE DREAMY" threads. I mean, there's gotta be <span style="font-style:italic">something</span> in that, eh?<br>Anywho. Just so you guys get a taste of what life's been like for the last few weeks, I made you a schedule, of the sort.<br><br>Monday I have a class. <br>Tuesday I have flute.<br>Wednesday I have a class.<br>Thursday is clean house day.<br>Friday we do homeschooling group thing, go to an appointment, then go out to eat. <br>Saturday can be a relaxing day or an awful day.<br>Sunday is run around the state day. <br><br>And then 4-6 of the days also involve school work in addition to everything.<br>Now think about that, taking your life, and also having 3-6 extra hours taking up the day. <br>I've been working on keeping my sanity, since this is so not what I'm used to. We went from laid back homeschoolers to.. people that rush around in a matter of a week. <br>I've been getting anywhere from 0-4 hours of sleep a night. So basically in two days, I'm losing a night of sleep.<br>I've had severe insomnia, and am back on my medication.<br>Then I also have my birds, cats, dog, turtle, and rabbit to care for. Chores add to the stress. My nails are almost non-existent from me chewing them.<br>I take care of my little brother and sister no less than 20 hours a week while my parents are at work.<br><br>And my goodness, so much more. But I don't want this to turn into a rant/vent. So I'll stop.<br>Basically, what I'm trying to do is explain to you, my family, that I'm overwhelmed, and I may be slow to respond to things, I will forget things, and that I'm dead exhausted, but I miss you all. <br>My life is by no means, the hardest life out there. I've just been living the cushy life for a while, and it's very tiring to overcome it.<br><br>I'm trying.</span>


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