My little Bro.... is in trouble he only has like 5k!
I love meh little bro so this is a little "Benefit" to help this little novice! When you donate you get a little gift bag, and your name under Donators in my kennel! His playername is *Kasey*. But SHHHHHH it's a surprise.<br><br><span style="color:darkblue"><span style="text-decoration:underline">GIFT BAGS</span></span><br>1. Your name on the Protecter's Kennel<br>2. A Free Banner that tells you helped <br>3. 1k from the protecter<br><br><span style="color:darkblue"><span style="text-decoration:underline">How To Help</span></span><br>You can help in 3 ways;<br>1. Donate to The Protecter<br> -I'll be putting all the money raised in a big contract and sending it to him. Please Send the money to: The Protecter (put a space before my name though ok? Or it wont work...)<br><br>2. Bid 0 on his dogs<br> -Caring for them is draining him financially.<br> His Kennel: <a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... nel=226447</a><br><br>3. Donate Items that Will be Put in a Big Package for Auction<br> -Any thing could be donated; trainings, gifties, imports,layouts, art, etc.<br><br>Supporting/Encouraging Messages to Him would be helpful too;<br> Just post them here and I'll make them each into little banners, for him.<br><br>Here's What the Banner will Look Like;<br><br><br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /><br>Compliments to Pepper97<br><br><br>Thank you!<br><br><br><span style="color:darkblue"><span style="text-decoration:underline">Donators</span></span><br>Pepper97: 5 Banners<br>Sybhat3: 10k<br>rohesia: 1mil<br>Me: 4 Personal Pics
(email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )