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Pen Tablet Prices?

I'm thinking about getting a new pen tablet (since I have to return my friends sometime soon :roll: ) And I need to know where I can get a nice but cheap at like WalMart or Meijer, or whatever.<br><br>Anyone know where I can get one cheap?<br><br>Please tell me where i can get it, and how mch it costs! THANKIES!!! :D


  • I dont know if anyone knows the answer to that right off the bat..maybe I am wrong. Just go on the store websites and look for the prices. That's would we would do anyway to help and you could try to help yourself first. :) We also don't know all your local stores unless you wanted to order it online.
  • I'm not looking to order it online, but if it helps anyone...the local stores that possibly supply it around me are...<br><br>Walmart<br>Meijer<br>Radio Shack<br>Uh, ya I don't know what else
  • See if those stores have websites. We don't know what tablet you need. There are different kinds and such. I've seen around $70-$99 as cheaper ones.
  • Wacom sells tablets for a reasonable price.<br><br>I have a small Bamboo fun, and it was $99 + tax. It comes with 3 programs too./
  • Usually ones that are like the size of a mousepad are around $100.00 USD. You can get huge 30 inch ones that are like at least $1000.00. lol..
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • lol my budget is a little less than a thousand lol...more like alot
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