Well, as most of you probably know, my ferrets are my babies. Here's there story.<br><br>(meeko)<br>My love of ferrets first started in about 2002 when a stray albino came into the sanctuary I was working at. He was skinny, dirty, and absolutley COVERED in ticks. And I mean literally from head to toe. His little ears were shrivelled and everything. After LOTS of TLC, from the staff and myself, he eventually became up for rehoming. By this point I'd grown very fond of him and after much persuasion I eventually got my parents to agree to let me have him. He was aged between 2 and 3 years. I got him home/bathed him/took him for castration, vaccinations etc and he eventually looked like a proper albino. The condition that my parents stated was that I was to have NO MORE!!.<br> <br>(Leola)<br>Approximatly 2 months later, MY MOTHER, said that I should get him a friend as he looked lonely. (So much for the not having any more) I was so glad as ferrets thrive on ferret company. So after trawling through adoption sites, I went to see a little Jill (female) at a RSPCA about 50mils away (yes 50 miles). The rescue was so impressed with my knowledge and the phot's I'd taken of Meeko (my exsisting ferret) and the pen he lived in, they let me take her home there and then.<br><br>(Lorne)<br>In November of that year another ferret came into the rescue where I worked. Another stray, but not in such a bad condition as Meeko. I held back, deciding that I wouldn't have anymore. But as the days passed, I grew fonder of him, BUT, the very day I decided I'd take him, someone else rehomed him. I wasn't too upset, as I knew the family well and knew he'd go to a good home. The next day, yet another ferret came in. A lovely Sandy coloured male. But he was extremely poorly. Listless, not eating/drinking ect. I instantly fell in love and reserved him. Although I wasn't really expecting him to survive the night (he was THAT poorly). However, he did survive and on New Years Eve, I took him home to meet his new brother and sister, who took to him instantly. <br><br>(Drucilla)<br>Summer of the next year, I decided that I didn't like having a odd number of ferrets, so I went on the search for another Jill. I went to the local RSPCA, but they had nothing suitable. I gave them my number to contact me if anything arrived. After a few weeks, I'd had no phonecall so I decided to phone them. Low and behold, they had a female in which sounded PERFECT. The next day I went to look at her. She'd been found straying, although she looked well looked after (she was quite fat). A week later, I had a new addition to my little family. Drucilla (Dru)<br><br>(Tommy)<br>At this point, I didn't want anymore. Four was enough. BUT! (Haha) I went christmas shopping and went into a pet store, where they had the cutest kits (baby ferrets). This started me off again, and I seriously considerd having one. After thinking about it though, I would prefere to rescue, so off to the RSPCA I went. They had one male which I took an instant liking to. I had to wait for him to be castrated before I could take him home, but it gave me time to prepare the others and think of a name. He was found on Rememberance Sunday in a barrel of oil. I named him Tommy after the English soldiers in the World War. (they were often called Tommies). Poor Tommy didn't fit in so well though. Drucilla bullied him terribly. Fortunatly, they forged a tentative friendship, and after 2 years they're now firm friends.<br><br>So yeah, a little long. But I love my fuzzy's and I'm so pleased that I could give all of these ferrets a loving home, after having a rather bleak start in life.<br><br>GENERAL UPDATE!<br><br>Lorne, unfortunatly is quite ill again. He has a enlarged Splean which is taking it's toll on him. All are getting old now, and Leola has arthritis (SP?). It seems that only Tommy and Dru still have their youthful energy.
