See. I don't trust our large animal/equine vet. <br>My horse had started losing weight this summer. Had him examined by one vet, who then refferred us to another in the same practice for a teethe floating. Journey got his teeth floated, and bloodwork done to see if there were any internal issues. He was anemic, and she said the rest was rather normal. We did specifically what she said and he seemed to improve for a while. Then he developed a severe limp and general issues in his back end, including swelling in his belly and sheath. We couldn't get the vet out for weeks. Any of the vets in the practice, actually. My horse went downhill quickly. Then the vet came out. She took blood, gave a powerpac wormer, antibiotics, and bute. She said she'd call me back on that monday. She didn't. She called my trainer to tell her that my horse had liver failure due to a parasite like hepatitis A. She recommended to my trainer that we put my horse down. oh. and that he was still anemic. <br>We put Journey down this Friday.<br>I feel like she sacraficed my horses health for my emotional wellbeing. I don't think she's the reason he's dead. but she certainly didn't mind me spending atleast a thousand dollars worth of vet bills in the last six months. Just to have my horse in a hole in the ground now.<br>I feel like I got played by my vet. The game? Journey's life. May my sweet boy RIP.