I find this VERY frausterating....<br><br>Why is it that pet owners insist on leaving their pets when there is quite obviously something wrong with them, and NOT seeking veterinary advice?<br><br>I see it alot, on here as well as in real life.<br><br>If your pet is<br>*Not eating<br>*Lethargic (not wanting to move)<br>*seems distressed at ALL<br>*Developed lumps or bumps which are unknown.<br><br>TAKE THEM TO THE VET!!<br><br>I know a lot of peoples excuse is that they cannot afford to, well this is what I say to them....<br><br>If you can't afford vets fees then you shouldn't even THINK about owning a pet. I mean seriously. It is one of the MOST annying things in my eyes. <br><br>For example:<br><br>My ferret was quiet the other night, not his usual self. Wasn't too interested in food/playing etc. So off to the vets he went. It turns out he has an enlarged spleen, which if he hadn't gone to the vets I would never have known about. <br>So the simplest of symptoms CAN mean something a lot more urgent.<br><br>So please, please, PLEASE consider your earnings BEFORE deciding on getting a pet.
Semper Fi.
Goals: 13/50million VPC