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*Purrrrr* The best thing in the world ;D

I was lying down in bead and I layed my head down on a pillow, well, I thought it was a was my cat champ and he started to purr, which if your a cat lover it makes your heart melt. xD And I relized, It's just about the best thing in the world when you know that your animal loves you more than it's food dish. ^^ Like when your dog jumps up and puts his head on your legs or when your cat curls up and sleeps at the end of your bed. It's just the best thing ever. x3<br><br>I just love animals.
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  • Aww. Isn't that the cutest thing?<br><br>My fudgeh especially loves purring! <br><br>Sometimes he's so random. I'll look at him, he'll meow.. and then start purring. I love his purr. It's not the loudest purr, but it is a happy, comfortable purr.<br><br>I love my 2 kittehs. :3
    ((: ... anqel'
  • I LOVE talkitive kitties!! Lately they both adore being loud mouthes! xD I'm like "Shut up you fur head!" and my kitties will say "Muuurrroowwww!!!" then I just lagh because I'm shure he insulted me back. xD I love my babies. xD
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    "237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
  • D'aww!<br><br>I don't own any pets, but I lease a Pinto pony gelding. He follows me around, and knows how to play "Guess which hand!".<br><br>Anyways, he'll look up when I call him, and he'll nicker. <3
  • Awwh! <br><br>My 5 kittehs all love to purr, <br><br>Keila Will not, ever shut up, we have a flap but hes to retarded and hes 14yrs an we only just got a big gate to contain the dogs, so he'll cry to get out.. if you cant be bothered getting up aand shout shut up, he cry louder... the whole family argues with him, its funny :P<br><br>Bobbie our Male, yesh i know... he loves to lie in the crook of your arm and purr.. hes a ragdoll cross so he's very laid back. and back when he was around 1yr his sister whent into season but we locked the flap so she couldnt get out.. not thinking he would try.. but then 9wks later we got two beautiful kittens which he now, still mothers, 3 and a bit years later.. lol<br><br>Thats just two
  • Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha<br><br>My dog will love me only when there is no food to be gotten anywhere =]
  • Rocky used to do that to me :/ It was adorable. He'd wake me up at two in the morning to get into my room, then he'd curl up on my chest, or by my head, or in the crook of my legs <3 <br>He was definatly my baby boy xD
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • My old cat, Rocky(xD) would eat and fall asleep IN the food bowl. O.o I ask why?
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • I've always said that I'd like to be able to bottle my cats purr and sell it as a healing product. It makes everything better. :D
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