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Ehh >.>

edited January 2009 in Vent
I got home from school today. On the bus, I was written up my our horrible bus driver for chewing gum. Like, first time ever in trouble in school.<br><br>I walk in the door, tell my mom, and she starts going off on me. She didn't care at all that I got written up, but that I've been acting up towards her. We got in a huge fight yesterday about how she is too overprotective of me, and stuff. We got in a fight at the stores because she called me 'Too fat to wear jeans' in front of my friends, whatever the Hell that means<br><br>She has been stealing my money for about 10 years now, since I had anything more then pennies. I hide it, I keep it with me, but she ends up finding it, taking it, and trying to lie about how she didn't, or she was just borrowing it, or buying something for me. After my birthday when I was younger, she stole 500 dollars of mine from the family safe, and said she had no idea where it went. It's ridiculess.<br><br>She makes all these false acusations, trying to make them seem real. Have the stuff she thinks is horribly wrong. Definatly not gonna get into anything, but, she thinks things that would never happen. <br><br>She is changing, two nights ago she said she wasn't my mother anymore. That hurt, but I just let it go. I dunno, I'm just not used to her being like this. She has no job, just sits at home all day watching tv, and wants my dad and I to do everything the second she tells us to do it. <br><br>-pointless rant done-


  • Her behavious sounds rather suspicious. Especially if her personality has started to change recently. What does your father say about all this? <br><br>I think your mum needs some help....
  • She does sound to be behaving a bit.. weird.<br>She sounds like a very bad mother figure. Yeah, everyone has little 'fall outs' with their parents.. but if that's how you feel, it's not nice.<br><br>><
    ((: ... anqel'
  • You aren't allowed to eat on the bus? 0_o <br>Maybe somethings up with your mother. For her to steal your money obviously isnt right, and to lie about not taking? No, that's not good.<br>How does your dad react to this?
    name is britti elizabeth :D
  • Eh, my dad works from about 4 in the morning to 7 at night every day, so they barely talk. He just thinks that she's to over protective and should like, chill and get a job.<br><br>Nope, no eating on the bus. This dude barely speaks english, his polish accent is so strong, no one can understand him. That is my excusss >.>
  • oh wow hon, your mum sounds like she might need a bit of help- stealing is a rather bad thing, and it is absolutely inexcusable for a mature adult (much less a mother!) to be doing such things. If she spent it on things that were beneficial, ie groceries, mortgage, electricity and telephone bills, etc, then that would be fine- my mum actually owes me over £600 with borrowing for things like that, but I'm not bothering her for it any time soon, it was either that or lose the house. <br>The personality change bit might be temporary, a sort of mid life crisis type thing, but it could also have been spurred on by, well.. many things. Just a question- how long has she been out of a job? It could be depression set off by feeling useless, and the fact that you are growing up would just contribute to that sense. <br>All in all, I think it may be a good idea if you convinced her to go to a psychologist for a few sessions.

    (email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
  • She hasn't had a job in, like, 7 or 8 years, nothing new. <br><br>We don't have any extra money right now, it's the worst winter so far. My dad is pretty much out of a job, as, no one is wanting trees cut or trimmed right now, they usually wait until late Spring to want jobs done >.><br><br>But, we're used to having no money, that no new stress. But, we have no extra money for her to go to a psychologist.
  • -feel free to move in with buffy-<br><br>-no words of wisdom other than "keep your head up grasshopper-<br><br>-maybe i got a smile- lol<br><br>-buffy luffs you-<br><br> :wink: <br><br>-you know my ear is always open-
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