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New player

edited January 2009 in General Discussion
Hi, I'm Ebony... some of you may kinow me from VHR, others may not.<br><br>Anyways, I just joined VP because I was curious about it. But: I have no idea what to do!<br><br>So, hi everyone *waves*.


  • Another of member of the dark side came over lol.<br><br><br>Hello. I hope you like vp.
  • tiffer wrote:
    Another of memebr of the darkside came over lol.<br><br><br>Hello. I hope you like vp.
    <br><br>Hey, it's not dark... we have unicorns!<br><br>Anyways... I'm kinda at a loss as to what kind of dog I should buy... heres <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">my kennel.</a>
  • <span style="font-size:75">VHR is light, VP is dark.<br>We have Wert, remember? xDD<br><br>Welcome to VP!</span>
  • Hi there and welcome to VP. <br>I'm sorry I can't help you with your dogs or the actual playing of the game (I don't play as I can't get to grips with it) but I will happily chat to you on the forums :)<br><br>BTW is there anyone from Sandbox Farm on here?
  • edited January 2009
    Dreamland wrote:
    <span style="font-size:75">VHR is light, VP is dark.<br>We have Wert, remember? xDD<br><br>Welcome to VP!</span>
    <br><br>Thanks XD<br><br>Umm, question, can dogs/puppies be stat-maxxed here like on VHR? (All stats to 200+) And, um... all the stat type confuse me... like on VHR, there's only 4 (Strength, intelligience, speed, endurance), but here, there's 10 (Friendly,Agression,Adaptability,Loyalty,Courage,Hyper,Strength,Intelligence,Endurance,Speed).<br><br>[edit]<br>And depression? Grooming? I've never seen anything like that!<br><br>I've just been browsing the Top Dogs... I've learned you can stat max...
  • mashivak wrote:
    Hi there and welcome to VP. <br>I'm sorry I can't help you with your dogs or the actual playing of the game (I don't play as I can't get to grips with it) but I will happily chat to you on the forums :)<br><br>BTW is there anyone from Sandbox Farm on here?
    <br><br>I dunno... I have an account on SBF, but I never use it
  • <span style="font-size:75">Yes. And to make the stats go higher before breeding we groom dogs instead of rolling.<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>That dog was groomed until 11.6. The stats are maxed, and some higher because I groomed past the time where they originally maxed, if that makes sense.</span>
  • Dreamland wrote:
    <span style="font-size:75">Yes. And to make the stats go higher before breeding we groom dogs instead of rolling.<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>That dog was groomed until 11.6. The stats are maxed, and some higher because I groomed past the time where they originally maxed, if that makes sense.</span>
    <br><br>Oh! Ok, but there are no titles to roll.... but the principle is the same, right? Getting better puppies/foals, right?
  • <span style="font-size:75">Yes. Like, for you to judge a good horse you'd look at the stat titles, we look at the stars. You can get a maximum of 4 stars per stat.</span>
  • oh, ok, so <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">this dog</a> would be the VP equivalent of an almost quad inco?<br><br>And his earnings are like IDM Dark Annie's, right? (I found him on the top dogs board)
  • <span style="font-size:75">Well, a 10x4(a dog with all ten stats having four stars) is a great dog. Just like a quad inco would be a great horse. Bloodlines matter to breeders too.<br>Earnings, 5-7 million is a lot here. We don't get as long to show with our pups as the horses do. XD<br>A 4x4 is an average dog, 8x4+ are better, especially for showing.<br>While low statted dogs are better for confo.</span>
  • Ah, kk<br><br>This game is so different! But it's kinda cool.<br><br>I have to go, Ahem, <span style="font-size:59"> Riding XD </span>, but I should be back on after 9:00 ET.<br><br>You can continue to post, with tips, new player hints and etc, I'll read every last one when I get back.
  • Dreamland wrote:
    VHR is light, VP is dark.<br>We have Wert, remember? xDD<br>
    <br><br>yes. I guess vp is dark them lol
  • Heya :D<br><br>Im wheaty i was a vhrian for like 2 weeks xD
  • I understand your confusion! I'm absolutely braindead about VHR. I could never leave VP :shock: I'd die of confusion.
  • Hi! I just joined VHR, so I know how you feel, xD. (I'm in your birthday giveaway!) What kind of dogs do you want? If you want any greyhounds, I can give you some great trained starter dogs. And if you ever want to give sponsor training a try, let me know!<br><br>One thing that might help if you don't know this already:<br><br>Generally(but not always, xD), a trainer starts by working on skills. A dog has a potential for 280 skill points, and they can be distributed any way between the four skills (discipline, show, sport, and working). Discipline is, or should, always be trained to 100, and the other skills trained depend on the dog (eg. my racing greyhounds have 100 in discipline and sport, and 80 in show). Novices can skill max too.<br><br>Then a sponsor trainer stat maxxes. This will raise all of the stats (numbers by the stars). The are maxxed when they reach 200. It is often optional to train aggression (aggro). It maxxes at 200, and caps at 250. Some events need aggro and some are harmed by it. It all depends on what the dog is being trained for.<br><br>I think thats about it for training, hope that helps!<br>-Rosy
  • Dreamland wrote:
    <span style="font-size:75">VHR is light, VP is dark.<br>We have Wert, remember? xDD<br><br>Welcome to VP!</span>
    <br><br>xDDD Heeey, I'm not dark, I'm pale, very pale indeed, I need more sun, but it itches, it itches SO MUCH. <br><br><br>Welcome to VP, Ebony, hope you like it!<br><br>I don't have any tips, I'm a lame VP player, I cheat by selling art xD.
  • Hi! I just joined VHR, so I know how you feel, xD. (I'm in your birthday giveaway!) What kind of dogs do you want? If you want any greyhounds, I can give you some great trained starter dogs. And if you ever want to give sponsor training a try, let me know!<br><br>One thing that might help if you don't know this already:<br><br>Generally(but not always, xD), a trainer starts by working on skills. A dog has a potential for <span style="font-weight:bold">280 skill points, and they can be distributed any way between the four skills (discipline, show, sport, and working).</span> Discipline is, or should, always be trained to 100, and the other skills trained depend on the dog (eg. my racing greyhounds have 100 in discipline and sport, and 80 in show). Novices can skill max too.<br><br>Then a sponsor trainer stat maxxes. This will raise all of the stats (numbers by the stars). The are maxxed when they reach 200. It is often optional to train aggression (aggro). It maxxes at 200, and caps at 250. Some events need aggro and some are harmed by it. It all depends on what the dog is being trained for.<br><br>I think thats about it for training, hope that helps!<br>-Rosy
    <br><br>Ah, ok.<br><br>So, let me get this right, a dog has 4 disc. skill bars (unlike how VHR's horses have one), and only 2 can be fully capped (like 200/150 disc. in vhr), and one of the other 2 can be at 80.<br><br>Aggression would be used for something like, the dog equivalent of bronco, right?<br><br>I just bought 2 goldens, how would I train them? Do I teach them their name, sit, groom, play rough/friendly, fetch or object? (They are unnamed as of now, and they are 1 week old (Is that the youngest?). I bought them for 100pc apiece.<a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">HER</a> and <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">HIM</a>)<br><br>Sorry for all the questions, I just want to become an ok player right off the bat, so I don't get more confused later. (it took me a few months on VHR to learn about statmaxxing, rolling, etc., and I almost died becuase I thought I was doing a good job breeding and selling my foals.)
  • Ebony wrote:
    <br><br>Ah, ok.<br><br>So, let me get this right, a dog has 4 disc. skill bars (unlike how VHR's horses have one), and only 2 can be fully capped (like 200/150 disc. in vhr), and one of the other 2 can be at 80.<br><br>Aggression would be used for something like, the dog equivalent of bronco, right?
    <br><br>Yep! Just an FYI, generally the skills are called disc, show, sport and work. You can also have two capped and do at 40, or any other amounts totaling 280.<br><br><br>
    Ebony wrote:
    I just bought 2 goldens, how would I train them? Do I teach them their name, sit, groom, play rough/friendly, fetch or object? (They are unnamed as of now, and they are 1 week old (Is that the youngest?). I bought them for 100pc apiece.<a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">HER</a> and <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">HIM</a>)
    <br><br>Yes, 1 week is newborn. So, take this as you will, but I just wanted to give you a heads up about the dogs. If you look at their stars, you will see that they only have one stat that has 4 stars (courage). This makes the dogs 1x4s. A <span style="font-style:italic">good</span> dog (though this depends on the breed) is usually at least 5 or 6x4, and often 9 or 10x4. Goldens have reached 8x4, so you got pretty much what you payed for: not a lot (but the price is right!).<br><br>I don't know if you chose to get Goldens, or if that was just what you found, but if you're interested I can offer you some 7x4, 8x4, or 9x4 siberian huskies, border collie, or greyhounds (for free, of course!). Just PM me if you are interested.<br><br>
    Ebony wrote:
    Sorry for all the questions, I just want to become an ok player right off the bat, so I don't get more confused later. (it took me a few months on VHR to learn about statmaxxing, rolling, etc., and I almost died becuase I thought I was doing a good job breeding and selling my foals.)
    <br><br>Lmao, I know exactly what you mean, I'm trying to do the same thing with VHR right now! It feels good to be able to answer questions, instead of just asking thm. Let me know if you have any more!<br><br>-Rosy
  • Ok, thanks. I'll keep that in mind<br><br>I personally love goldens. <3<br><br>I also got this pit bull for 5k<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; (7x4, if my counting is correct)
  • Very good buy! He's a gifty! (although, he is 406 OAK, so not much of one, lol)<br><br>He looks like he would do pretty good in conformation, and I'm not sure what else pit bulls are shown in. I'm sure somebody knows.<br><br>-Rosy
  • Ebony wrote:
    So, let me get this right, a dog has 4 disc. skill bars (unlike how VHR's horses have one), and only 2 can be fully capped (like 200/150 disc. in vhr), and one of the other 2 can be at 80.
    <br><br>Wrong. in total any stat can be trained 100 in any skill.. but the most a dog can learn is 280 added up. So a dog can at the most have 100 in two skills and 80 in ONE other. Or the dog counld be "scatter trained" or trained in ALL stats but not maxxed *all the way to 100* in any of them
  • Very good buy! He's a gifty! (although, he is 406 OAK, so not much of one, lol)<br><br>He looks like he would do pretty good in conformation, and I'm not sure what else pit bulls are shown in. I'm sure somebody knows.<br><br>-Rosy
    <br><br>Thanks<br><br>I just noticed his colour. 406 ingame apparently. Oh well, his colour is still pretty cool
  • hi,i am mitzi214,i thought this might help confusion,maybe :lol: <a href=",check that out about training, and depending on what skills you train your dogs in is what they do best at in eventing.and welcome to game,i will give you 2 free trainings when you are ready,msg boot camp 101,Have fun :D" target="_blank" class="bb-url">,check that out about training, and depending on what skills you train your dogs in is what they do best at in eventing.and welcome to game,i will give you 2 free trainings when you are ready,msg boot camp 101,Have fun :D</a>

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