<span style="font-size:117"><span style="color:#444444">I'm not saying the current page looks bad or anything. I think if the admins want to spruce the game up in the next ten years this could happen. It's purely a suggestion ... and forgive me if I wasn't supposed to do this.</span></span><br><br>Page Update.<br>This is <span style="text-decoration:underline">my</span> version, but it could be done any way.<br>Why?<br>-To make a dog's page look more official.<br>-Bigger, clearer graphics.<br>-More organized.<br><br><img src="
http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s167/convinceyou/Fake_VP.jpg" alt="
http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s167/convinceyou/Fake_VP.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br><br><br>On this,<br>-the photo is clickable, like on VHR.<br>-the "heat" or "fertile" area is on the top left.<br>-the dog's name is at the very top and is not hyperlinked.<br>-the divs are outlined with grey. <br>-not all the writing is bold & italic, looks clean.<br>-all boxes are placed in the same area, bottom left.<br>-all information is placed in the same area.<br>-owner comments are placed beside the picture.<br>-graphics remain the same.<br>-I'm not sure if it's possibly but the stats w/ 4 stars are counted up.<br><br>Although it would require a lot of coding,<br>I'm sure VP won't be exactly the same in 10 years as it is now, and I'd<br>just like to give an idea to the HTML people that do this (Nef?)<br>I would be happy to help, and I'm sure many other coding artists on <br>this game would be. <br><br>It doesn't have to look exactly like this either.<br>Just an <span style="font-style:italic">idea</span>, nothing more.<br><br>Critique, diss, kill, compliment, thumbs up, down, whatever you want.<br>Take it or leave it OPs.<br>It was probaby a waste of time anyway. :roll:
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
<br>So really at this point I would review all the stuff that people have said and make a 2.0 of this. The biggest part would be to make sure that it looks good on a lot of dogs, not just one <br>So to sum it up:<br>Easier to read, missing parts, debug, and re-balance afterward<br><br>[hope I didn't just steam roll your idea too badly ]
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.